
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder


12-21-2013, 07:36 PM
Not longer after his howl rang through the night sky, softer tones reached his silver auds. The pack authority was swift in her response to him, he thought. She obviously truly cared for the safety and integrity of her people. He nodded to himself and began preparing himself for the female's arrival.

His amber eyes scanned the landscape lying before him, from the trees swaying slightly in the winter breeze to the tall grasslands that could hide any creature great or small. It was a beautiful land, even in the hours of nocturnal activity. It reminded him much of his previous home, and that was slightly disturbing, but with every new beginning came new memories, and he was willing to start here.

Suddenly, his ears perked and his head bowed as a she-wolf entered the clearing of his occupation. She was a tall, slender white woman who walked with an air of grace and power. Her pelt shone silver in the moonlight, all but for her face and a single paw which were an unusual shade of red.

"I am Chrysanthe Adravendi, alpha of Valhalla."

Silver head remained bowed to the woman, looking up only to blink respectfully and to say, "Milady Alpha, Chrysanthe Adravendi, my name is Flamesong Ethereo, and it is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. I have traveled far and for many years to stand before you now and ask that I may be allowed to serve you and your pack for the remainder of my days. I have been trained well in the ways of the warrior, and am willing to lay down my life and offer my skills for the good of our people, if granted the honor of acceptance." He began, flexing his paws into the ground as he spoke. He didn't care to mention that he was once an alpha much like her, young and willing to protect his pack at any cost. It would take too much from him to bring it up, for he had failed them so many years ago. He would never allow that to happen again, nor would he allow himself to take on that position of power. He would understand her wariness of allowing a strange brute onto her lands.