
Swinging from the Castles


12-21-2013, 11:05 PM
Time had not been kind to the brute. Separating from his family had been the hardest thing he had ever done. When he found the pack in Aethelis he joined he was hopeful that he would be able to make a new place for himself. But... it wasn't meant to be his home. The pack fell apart, leaving Birch alone again. The brute set off again, this time determined to do what he should have done in the first place. He was searching for a member of his family. Anyone from his family. There was a sense of loneliness without them that never seemed to go away... and Birch wanted to fix that. He didn't care how long it would take.

Thus far his journey had brought him to a new land. From the brief conversation he held with a loner he had learned the name of this land, Alacritia, and had also learned that several packs were located within the land. He would check within each pack to search for his family, as well as talk to the loners to see what he could learn. He would stay in these lands a short while before moving on.

The lingering scents of a pack had caught Birch's attention. It wasn't exactly the wisest to wander into a pack without even alerting them, but something about the scents seemed... off. Like the whole pack had been moving off at once.

A casual pace lead Birch deeper into the pack territory, until he caught a familiar scent. The brute halted, breathing in the scent again. There wasn't a doubt... it was Aranya. The realization set Birch's tail wagging a mile a minute. His sister! She was here!

Birch set off at a run, barely noticing anything else as he followed Aranya's scent trail. His light purple eyes were shining with excitement. As her form came into view Birch let out a happy and excited bark, hurling himself at her in a sort of tackle-hug.
