
It's what you know




Master Fighter (270)

Advanced Hunter (110)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

2 Years
Dire wolf
10-05-2024, 02:13 PM (This post was last modified: 10-07-2024, 12:28 AM by ENYO. Edited 1 time in total.)

Ellara Praetor

Enyo smirked as he commented on her lack of breaking. Her eyes burned with pride, "You've never had me before. You've never had Enyo. Never a Dunamis. I can take it. I can take you." Did he understand? She looked at him, he would spasm but she didn't care. It was part of him. It was who he was, and she didn't mind it. She would take all of it, accept it.

Enyo’s eyes narrowed, a hint of frustration beginning to gnaw at her as Redrum’s ragged voice snarled against her fur, as his teeth scraped her skin and his grip shifted seeking to dominate. He was relentless in pushing her, demanding she break. Yet for all his fury and all the power, there was a gap, an absence of something that gnawed at her.

It wasn’t that he lacked desire... no... his body trembled with it. The hunger in his eyes mirrored her own. But something was missing. He wasn’t picking up on what she wanted. Red wasn’t reading the unspoken signals she had sent. The way she let her body move against his. The taunts, the invitation for something beyond the violence. It wasn’t that he refused her, it was as if he didn’t understand.

What was it? She had never had trouble with this before. Perhaps men were different? She had never wanted one before. Maybe she was too used to women and men required different tactics? Her intentions should have been as clear as the blood staining their fur, as the closeness of their bodies. And yet, instead of pushing her into something more- instead of taking her in the way she was suddenly wanting, he just kept snarling, biting, challenging. Why wasn’t he seeing it? She didn’t understand. She’d let him pin her, let his weight press against her, and the way she’d arched beneath him, the way she had whispered her taunt. It had been clear, hadn’t it? She wanted him. Wanted to lose herself in the blood and the heat of him, in something other than the violence.

A strange, unsettling thought began to form in her mind as she watched him, her breath coming out in ragged bursts. Was it possible that Redrum had never done this before? That, for all his raw power, for all the aggression and hunger, he was... inexperienced? The realization struck her like a blow, making her hesitate for a heartbeat. Her movements faltered as her mind worked to understand.

Was he younger than she thought? The idea twisted something inside her. A mix of confusion, disbelief, and a strange feeling of guilt. She hadn’t considered it before. Redrum carried himself with such confidence. Such ferocity, that she’d assumed he understood what she wanted, what she was offering. But now, as she watched the wild gleam in his eyes and the way his muscles twitched and spasmed as if unsure what to do next, it clicked into place.

He didn’t know.

Oh god.

He didn't know.

Her heart pounded, her chest tightening with the sudden weight of that realization. He wasn’t refusing her! he simply didn’t understand the game she was playing. The unspoken shift from violence to something more. He was lost and confused by her signals not out of disinterest, but because he had never been shown what they meant.

A deep, frustrated snarl rumbled in her chest, her lips pulling back in a silent growl. Why hadn’t she realized it sooner? It made sense now, the way he kept pushing, kept fighting without ever shifting into what she wanted. She’d been expecting something he couldn’t give, at least not yet...not without her showing him. The way he fought, the way he held himself, he seemed so capable... so intense.

Is that something she wanted to do? Here? Like this?

How could she show him what to do if she had never done it herself? Blind leading the blind. But she did have experience, that had to be something?

For a moment, her gaze softened, the fire in her eyes flickering as she looked at him with something that wasn’t quite pity but wasn’t far from it either. She wondered how long it had been this way for him. Always fighting, always struggling, always yearning but never knowing what lay beyond the violence, beyond the hunger. She didn’t want to stop, didn’t want to pull back, but it wasn’t just about breaking him anymore. It would be about guiding him, about giving him something more than this endless brutal dance.

A wicked smile curved her lips, a mix of feral hunger and something almost tender, almost amused. “Redrum,” she rasped, her voice a low, sultry growl. “Do you really think this is all there is?” she said extremely low in a whisper. As if asking the question for herself, thinking out loud. Maybe just maybe.

The only issue was that Enyo did not have the answers she needed. She couldn't possibly continue without it.

For now she would focus on one thing, winning.

She shoved him, her teeth snapping at his muzzle, her eyes blazing with fierce fire. She pushed harder, her jaws clamping around the side of his neck, her fangs sinking into his fur, holding him down, forcing him into the dirt beneath them.

The taste of his blood filled her mouth, and she felt a surge of triumph. Her breath came in ragged, shallow gasps. She could feel his body trembling beneath hers, his muscles quaking with exhaustion as much as hers did, and she held him there, her grip unyielding, her eyes locked on his. She had won. She had taken her place as the victor in their brutal dance.

But as she held him there, even as she reveled in her victory, the confusion lingered, a nagging thought at the back of her mind. He hadn’t understood. He hadn’t known what she wanted, what she had tried to give him. And now, as she looked down at him, at the wildness in his eyes, the hunger that still burned there. She felt a strange and unexpected feeling of something she couldn’t quite name. She was hungry, but it seemed she would not eat as she had desired.

Was it disappointment?

Enyo wasn't sure, she didn't really want to know either. But she did know she wanted to kiss him for some odd reason. This urge would be ignored or more so denied.

"Red, you...", she trailed breathlessly. Her large frame rising and her chest huffed in an attempt to catch up "You are impressive. If you ever need me for anything.. don't be shy. Find me." Perhaps he didn't know now but he would know someday. Even if the opportunity passed, he would know one day and look back and realize. The War Queen was sure of it.




Enyo's companions Foberos, a large peregrine falcon, & Atromitos, a large snowy owl, are to be assumed as with her at all times unless otherwise stated