
Halloween Hellions

Widow x Stolas - OPEN



10-04-2024, 03:13 PM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2024, 04:08 PM by Vass. Edited 3 times in total.)
Name: Vass, short for Vassago Moxx (Goetia? Nightwing?)

Biological Sex: Male

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Adult Height: Dire 45

Build: Balanced
[Image: W2RpuUx.png]

Appearance Description: Don't let the pink nose fool you... If you could look up "Dark Prince" in the dictionary, there would be no words, only a picture of Vassago. There is no wolf in the world more handsome, dashing, rugged... you get the idea. He's very nice to look at. The brutes coat is primarily a deep, rich black. Not the black of the abyss, but the black of deepest charcoal; a throwback to ancestors long gone. Upon this charcoal lay a variety of slash-like stripes. These stripes are redshift closer to his spine and bone white closer to the lower extremities. All except for the giant wolf's tail, which is a long, sweeping cape of black.

A striking visage indeed, but more striking still is the brutes handsome face. His muzzle is straight, perfect for when he looks down upon you. Upon the dark face is a blaze that stretches from forehead to nose. Like his striping, the blaze is redshift at the top and fades down to bone white. A bit of this mask had a mind of its own and broke off to wind beneath his left eye, creating the perfect frame for the cold, pale orb within. The opposite eye couldn't be more different. While one eye is cold as ice, the other burns with the hottest fires of hell.

Vassago holds himself well, back and neck always straight. The taller that he can appear, the better. He loves looking down upon those around him, enjoying the feeling of superiority. The brutes gaze is often narrowed, piercing, obviously judging all within his sight.

Personality: Arrogant, cruel, superior, selfish, vindictive, spoiled, intelligent

Vassago, known simply as Vass, exudes calculated arrogance with every step. His presence demands attention, not for any inherent charm, but because of the oppressive superiority that clings to him. He looks at people like they're beneath him, as if acknowledging them is a chore. Vass moves with the self-assured confidence of someone who has never been denied, carrying himself with an air of entitlement that comes from a lifetime of indulgence.

His intelligence is his sharpest weapon, and he wields it mercilessly. Vass isn't satisfied with simply knowing more than others—he has to make sure they’re aware of it, too. His words cut deep, carefully chosen to exploit every weakness he can find. Cruelty comes naturally to him, and he relishes in watching people crumble under his sharp gaze and biting remarks. When crossed, he doesn't forget. His vindictiveness is legendary; he holds onto grudges like a predator stalking prey, waiting for the perfect moment to exact his revenge.

Spoiled by privilege, Vass sees the world as a game board, with people as mere pieces to be moved or discarded as he sees fit. His desires come first, always, and he pursues them with ruthless selfishness, tossing aside anyone who no longer serves a purpose in his life. Morality doesn’t factor into his decisions—victory does. And for Vass, winning is the only thing that matters.

Behind that cold smirk and those piercing eyes, there’s no empathy, no remorse—just the relentless hunger for power and control. In his world, he reigns supreme, and everyone else is there to remind him of his dominance.

Skills: Fighting / Killing/ Intellect, I suppose.

Plots: Be a bad, bad boy with skewed morals. A tolerance for family, but really he's out for his own gain. This will really come to a head when he's grown. As a pup, he'll be a sponge and he'll want to learn as much as he can. Knowledge is power. Please. Please. Please... Arranged marriage!