
Merebos Halloween Puppies

Medusa x Érebos Litter


10-04-2024, 05:40 PM (This post was last modified: 10-07-2024, 02:09 AM by Alo. Edited 9 times in total.)

Érebos & Medusa
pup adopts

The fuckin saga begins.

Yes, it happened! An unexpected love between Medusa Mortem & Érebos Dunamis! The pair have taken to each other pretty quick, and as a result, they are now expecting a litter of pups! Alo & I are currently considering 2 - 3 pups, however, if there is enough interest and we end up liking the apps enough, we may consider more ;) These pups are due on halloween, playable Nov. 14th!

Adoption rules & info

✖ Expectations & Activity: These puppies are going to be both mortem & dunamis! their expectations are very different but lets lay it all out! No real traditions or regulations revolve around the mortems, because Medusa is just a free chaotic gremlin who didn't grow up with traditional shit, however, the dunamis run entirely different. Érebos is a patriarch to the clan and with the puppies being half his, they'll be expected to adhere the traditions of his family. Both families are extremely active so please make sure you have the time & enthusiasm to play these pups, as much as we are to have them. After 1 ooc month of inactivity, we will check in. however, if this happens again we will reclaim the puppy. Please keep in mind, in regards to the dunamis you must attend mandatory threads. Missing these will absolutely have ic consequences. These puppies will be expected to be mastered in one skill by their 1st birthday, and double mastered by their second birthday. Closing this off-, absences are fine, as long as we are notified-, communication is a must.

✖ Involvement: Medusa always has been & will continue to be highly active and very involved with her kids! Even when she’s old and decrepit. She absolutely adores her children and will always be supportive to the best of her ability, and encourages them to be their best selves! She’s not a helicopter parent by any means, and has the tendency to let them run amok (so long as they don’t dig themselves into too deep a hole). Despite this, however, she is very protective of her children and will absolutely without a doubt go to bat for them should there be a need to! However, Érebos will more likely be a controlling, stern and harsh father with strong affections for his children. He will be present, and expect them to adhere his family traditions. A Patriachal figure for the Dunamis clan, these pups will be born of a high pedigree & will be treated highly within the family. He will support them in their lives as long as they’re not ‘foolish’! He may teach these children greek as well and offer not always fun tests to assist in these pup's fortitude. He will place immense time into their growth & character, enforcing ideas of god-complexes, loyalty and duty. They will be his golden children.

✖ Names: Names are usually dark! Érebos' side usually stick to evil & powerful greek names. Érebos will enforce that these children have only the Dunamis surname. Both Medusa and amethyst will however have both mortem-dunamis as an exception. Names that have been spoken for are Amethyst and Androcles.

✖ Alignments: Alignments for the mortem's vary, but there usually aren't lawful good unless there is ic development that inclined so. For the Dunamis, most if not all of the family members portray some form of negative alignment. They are mostly neutral to lawful evil. No entirely good alignments are expected from these pups having the father they have-, so if these is anything different, please ensure there is ic development to back this up. For more in-depth about the dunamis traits, please refer to this thread.

✖ Inheritable traits: Many, many things! On Medusa’s side, there is an array of natural and unnatural colors! (grandma had rainbow colors, grandpa had natural browns/creams/whites). Dad was brown, black, and white. You get the gist! Medusa’s line also tends to have prominent skeleton-like markings and/or skull markings! Anywhere from subtle, to very obvious. Not required, however! Whereas on Erebos’ side there are mostly of piebald, monochromatic and chimera markings, along with shorter tails. They often times have heterochromatic & sectoral heterochromatic eyes! but not always! Really, there’s tons of options here!

✖ Potential disorders: Medusa deals with illeism, mild turrets in the form of random giggling and head tics (more apparent during serious situations), struggles with social cues, as well as other undefined struggles here and there. Nothing wrong with Erebos though besides the greed and aggression of a dunamis! Other than these mild things, it’s unlikely these pups will inherit any psychological issues this time around!

✖ discounts: 50% off up to 41”, and then 25% off up to 42”. Neither parent has any mutations, but some of Medusa’s kids do! Erebos is a dire wolf as well. Thanks to the Cursed Litter Pass, two of their pups will be born with special muts! Amethyst comes in with a cute AF mushroom witchy cap, while Androcles will have a crystal Mutation!

✖ Available Designs: We have a plethora of designs available to use! These designs are to remain on Ardent and will remain with the character should the character be taken back (including art!) You may of course, purchase the design should you so choose. You are also welcome to use your own! >>Click for tough choices!<<

<b>OOC Name:</b>
<b>Character Name:</b> what do we call them?
<b>Design/Appearance:</b> Also list any mutations, height, build, etc.
<b>Alignment:</b> bad guy or bad guy? just kidding! but seriously what?
<b>Personality:</b> who are they?
<b>Any other info:</b> quirks?
<b>Roleplay Sample:</b> tell me more!
<b>Plots for them:</b> what ya got in mind? its cool if you don't know yet!

Made for Alo by Skelle !