
Dunamis adopts

OPENED till the 15th of Oct/2 available



Beginner Navigator (10)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

1 Year
10-04-2024, 09:07 PM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2024, 09:29 PM by Star. Edited 2 times in total.)
Name: Starchild Dunamis (Star for short)

Gender: Female

Appearance:[Image: r8rZMYd.png]

Personality: Starchild, or Star as she prefers, moves through the world like smoke—silent, elusive, and always slipping through fingers. Her sharp, silver tongue is her weapon of choice, and she wields it with precision. There’s nothing she loves more than a well-executed scheme, and her mind is a labyrinth of hidden motives and devious plots. Her eyes, always glinting with mischief, miss nothing. She studies people like they’re pieces on a chessboard, calculating her next move before anyone else even realizes a game is being played.

Star thrives in the shadows, where others falter. When the world is quiet and unsuspecting, that’s when she’s at her most dangerous. She’s sneaky—always slipping into places she shouldn’t be, gathering secrets like a spider spinning a web. She’s the one who hears the whispers no one else is meant to hear, the one who knows which thread to pull to make someone unravel.

She’s crafty, too. Star has a way of turning every situation to her advantage, bending people and circumstances to her will with ease. A flicker of a smile here, a carefully chosen word there—she has the uncanny ability to make others think her ideas are their own. Star can convince a person to sell their soul and thank her for the privilege.

Beneath her charm, though, lies something darker. She’s conniving, always working a scheme that benefits her in ways others can’t predict until it’s too late. Trusting Star is a dangerous game, because even when she seems sincere, there’s always something more she isn’t saying. She doesn’t play fair—she plays to win. And she always does.

RP Sample: A little laugh, lilting, sweet, saccharine rich. It flitted through the Dancefloor as Star made her way through the swirling mists towards where she knew her cousin would be. Ohhh, did she have some juicy information for him. It was easy to use her smaller stature and her sweet smile to get what she wanted out of others. It was easy to play the innocent. So very, very easy to slide the mask on and off at will. Easy to manipulate outsiders like puppets on strings. Star wouldn't do this to those that shared her blood simply out of principle, but she thoroughly enjoyed bending the outside world to her will.

Future plots and ideas for them: I do believe that Star will have Haphephobia, which is the fear of being touched. She'll force herself to do anything for the family, including reproducing to further the Dunamis bloodline, but it will be a huge challenge for her. Since she doesn't like being touched, Star tries to make herself useful in other ways, including acquiring knowledge, spying on foreign packs, and doing anything else that needs to be done.

Applying for: Erebos' cousin.
Starchild has Haphephobia, so please don't touch her.

She is always accompanied by a peregrine falcon named Merlin and a very nasty Tasmanian devil named Dundee.