
Hi There



03-12-2013, 10:18 AM
Loccian was a little happy to see that Maverick was listening to what she had to say. In most cases others owuld not pay attention or take her word for anything because she wanted to be fighters or hunters for the pack, something more "useful" to the pack. Unlike them, her and the healers before her knew that the plants all around them could help them in times of sickness or when injured. It was then that those fighters and hunters realize how important the plants were around them.

A large smile formed on her dark lips when the male asked if she could show him what some herbs looked like and what they did. Some would probably think it was silly for the male to learn such things when he could possibly become the leader one day when his father passed on or retired. It made her happy to see him wanting to learn about the plants, it would aide him in the future for sure just like any other wolf. "Sure, if that is what you would like then I will teach you about the plants in Seracia." She repelied with the smile still there and a bit of a happier tone in her voice while her tail wagged against the ground behind her.

"Shall we go now or do you wish to meet me there later?" She asked, pushing herself up onto all four and giving a quick shake to dismiss any dirt or leaves out of her fur. She was okay with either one, if he wanted to go now then great but if he had somehting he wanted to do then she didn't mind him meeting her later on for their little herb lesson.

ooc: It's funny that Maverick was cute in his previous pic but now that he is 1 he looks fierce and beasty in his pics. XD lol