
Self Destruct Personality



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-22-2013, 04:00 AM
Sin Armada

Ugh, fuck this damn weather...

He was beginning to see the impossible of trekking through the snow storm. However, he would not shy away from the challenge of nature. He always won his battles, and this was no different. Scents in the air were impossible to define. The winds blowing in every direction, made it impossible to smell or even hear. And yet, from the corner of his sights, he'd spot a figure that would nearly come upon him.

Sin stopped, flicking his ears as he stared at the stranger, his gaze burning through the flurry of snow that surrounded the air between them. Grunting, he decided to ignore him for now. For this place was unforgivable, relentless as it swirled around them. He could sense that they were nearly out of the snow fog, amber gaze returning to the sights ahead of him. There would be a break in the storm somewhere, and he was sure to find it. And of course, he would within mere moments of the thought.

Sin pulled himself forward, sharpened claws gave him traction as he left his marks in the snow. His crimson stained pelt now covered in a thick blanket of snow. Leading the way out of the blizzard without saying a word to the stranger, for he would never admit to himself, or anyone, that he was helping another. Sin cared not for others, only for himself. And if ever he did decide to do something for another, he would never say nor acknowledge nor speak of it. To do so, would mean death for the other. Nobody dared speak of whatever kindness he had done or would do, else he'd silence their tongues and regain the karma he had collected.

Each step brought him closer to the salvation of calm air. The winds even seemed to lose some of their strength, but yet they raged on as if desperately trying to cling to his body and attempt to claim his soul. A smirk played on his blood tainted lips, he was the claimer of souls. He was the grim reaper. He was the hand of fate that would decide who died, and who lived. And at last he'd release himself of natures unyielding grip. The young reaper stepping from the danger zone into the face of calm serenity, untainted...until he stepped upon it. Breaking free from the grasp of the icicles that had a hold on his pelt, he cleared himself of the impurities. The male then turned to face the direction of the stranger, amber orbs boring through the wall of snow until his unknown companion of fate emerged from its depths.