
Swinging from the Castles


12-22-2013, 09:20 AM


The sudden cry made Aranya's hackles stand up, alarmed as she was. Her paws splayed, bracing for some sort of assault. She whipped her head towards the cry just in time to see a russet furred blur hurtling towards her, accompanied by the sound of thudding pawsteps. All she could think between the time her peaceful sorrow was interrupted and this very instant was, That voice... And then, in the next, he was upon her. In retrospect, Aranya was certain she would have reacted much the same, but just then her only assumption was that she had somehow managed to make an enemy in her travels, and that they had hunted her down. The form barreled into her, tossing her to the ground with a thud and an, "Oof!"

Savagely, she snarled. Aranya tried to roll out from under the form, but could not wriggle free. She focused in on the face, trying to find out just who it was who wanted her blood on the soil, but she was met instead with pale purple eyes. Aranya froze, as piece after piece clicked into place. The purple eyes, the russet mask, the moon-like mark. It had been so long, he had grown so much, could she truly be sure? Had the gods answered her prayers at last? "...Birch?" she whispered, almost afraid to voice her hopes. With agility she did not she possessed, Aranya wriggled out from her brother's grasp, rolling upright to eye him better. Her sense of hope bloomed, blossomed, burst in her chest until she could not help but be filled with a warm, golden joy. "Birch! It's really you!"

She flung herself at him, though less aggressively than he had. Instead she pressed her muzzle into his neck and began twining herself all around him, nipping playfully and pawing at him. She could not believe this had happened! He was so different, he had changed and grown, but his scent was the same, one of the earliest ones she had ever known. "I can't believe you're here," she crowed. "Where have you been brother, oh I've missed you so dearly! Where are the others, are they here as well?" It seemed almost too much to hope, after they had scattered to the wind so long ago.

"Speech," Thoughts,