
Merebos Halloween Puppies

Medusa x Érebos Litter


10-06-2024, 01:40 AM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2024, 04:44 PM by Janoobus. Edited 6 times in total.)

Ellara Praetor

[Image: d9jjc3p-bf08fbcb-bd44-4f3e-b4c8-77960a43...UP0_Pwci7w]CASSIA ARACHNE DUNAMIS [Image: d9jjc3p-bf08fbcb-bd44-4f3e-b4c8-77960a43...UP0_Pwci7w]

OOC Name: Janoobus

Character Name: Cassia "Arachne" Dunamis [ Kassy-uh Uh-Rak-Nee Dune-Uh-Miss]

Design/Appearance: around 41" and light/lean build.

Cassia Arachne Dunamis is a tall, lean she-wolf standing at 41 inches. She has a dark, sleek coat with the same shade of Erebros, giving her an almost ethereal presence. Her fur is long and flows elegantly, particularly around her neck and tail. Notable features include a spider web marking on her flank as well as smaller webs wherever the black meets the grey or white. This will give her a unique and slightly mysterious appearance.

Her eyes are distinctively colored: one is a piercing yellow, while the other is the same glacier blue of her father. Giving her a captivating gaze that stands out. Her ears are pointed and larger than most Dunamis. Her face is sharply defined and feminine, and the white mask highlights her intense expression.

Cassia's paws are dainty yet powerful, grace and capability. The overall demeanor she exudes is one of confidence, a balance of stealth, and an aura that commands attention as all Dunamis do. Her large yet sleek build and stature suggest agility and speed, making her an impressive.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Personality: [rough idea, I want her to develop IC so all things CAN change]

All things spooky and dark, it will be obvious there is a touch more Mortem in her. A curious love for the forbidden. She will love her family. She will love the morbid and darker things in life. She will love her mother and father. She will try her best to behave and obey. It is clear in her body and build that she takes after her mother the most if not more so than the others. Family will be everything to her and she will do anything for them. Unlike her paternal side, she will not see family as a duty but as a blessing. Doing things for her family will come naturally she will love her mother and father very very very much. Her heart is forgiving for the Mortem and Dunamis. Become an enemy and you will learn why she goes by Arachne. She loves her family fiercely.

Cassia will be a true wildcard, she does what she wants when she wants unless you are someone she loves telling her no. For the patriarch's word is law. Unlike her aunt, Cassia will not view her sex as a curse. Instead, she will love who she is and what she looks like, classic Dunamis vanity. Cassia will not be as stiff as the older Dunamis despite her father's rigid and stern hand. Instead, she will operate through life with flexibility. Preferring not to worry about silly things such as politics and power. She will leave that world of stress to the others who want it. Her relationship with power could also be intriguing. While she’s not actively seeking leadership, her charm, flexibility, and fierce loyalty could make her an unexpected force within the family. Even if she doesn’t crave influence, she might still find herself unintentionally drawing others in with her charisma and unorthodox perspective.

She wants to try all things, sometimes simply because she can. She would be the type to dabble in things others might consider forbidden or cursed, not out of malice but out of sheer curiosity, with a confidence that she could handle the consequences. Whether she does good or evil is of no concern, she knows life is short and will want to experience it. Extremely individualistic and freedom-loving. Think of a bird happy to be in its cage because of the good view. She knows she will be considered less than the Dunamis men but she doesn't really care. By her logic, life is good. Her parents love her. Why would she want more?

In terms of luxury, Cassia will not be very materialistic. They are just things after all. Her most prized possession will be her family. Everything else could burn for all she cared. Perhaps she will act as the glue, one of the more lighthearted Dunamis who will be sure to bring a smile especially/hopefully during dark or strenuous times.

Assuming she will eventually know her mother's background, Cassia will have very strong opinions against slavery. She finds the idea very abhorrent. While she respects and understands life just has a hierarchy, like her mother, she believes everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves.

Any other info: Everything will be up to IC development however here is some in mind: when she gets very excited or angry she may begin to speak in the third person/illeism, she is known as Cassia to only those closest to her but will be known as Arachne to everyone outside that circle. May keep pet spiders.

Roleplay Sample: no

Cassia Arachne Dunamis stretched luxuriously as she awoke, a satisfied smile on her lips. Today was a good day. Cassia rose to her feet, her dark coat shimmering after a fresh bath while she softly yawned. The Dunamis princess would make her way out of the caves of the gorge. The morning sun filtered through the dense forest canopy, casting dappled shadows on the ground belowThe gentle sounds of the world around her filled her ears, the soft rustle of leaves in the breeze, and the distant call of birds.

She padded over to where her mother rested, leaning down to nuzzle her affectionately. "Goodbye, Mother," she whispered, pressing a kiss to her cheek. She repeated the gesture with her father, her bright eyes filled with warmth. "Goodbye, Father." Both of them returned her affection, and that was enough to make Cassia’s heart soar. Erebros did not have any plans for them today and neither did her mother. Perfect! Time to find something fun to do. The world was good, and her parents loved her. She needed nothing else.

After her farewells, she set off into the woods. Her paws carried her swiftly through the underbrush. She had something important to do today... something exciting. Yesterday, Cassia came across something wonderful! a spider's egg. The mere thought of it made her eyes shine. She had wanted to play with it all night, the urge was nearly unbearable, but she had waited. Now, she was free to explore it to her heart's content.

It wasn't long before she found the spot where she'd hidden it. Cassia let out an excited huff, tail thumping as she pawed at the soft cotton. "Cassia found it!" she declared aloud, her voice ringing with pride. Thrill coursed all around and through her body. She tore into the cotton, her eyes wide with anticipation.

Suddenly, the egg split open, and from within it spilled hundreds of tiny baby spiders. Cassia blinked in surprise, her ears perking forward. "Oh, little ones," she murmured, her excitement replaced with awe. They scurried in all directions, a wave of delicate legs and tiny bodies. Cassia couldn't help but laugh softly at the sight. She was fascinated, her gaze following them as they moved across the ground.

She hadn't meant to release them, she hadn't realized the egg would break so easily. A small pang of guilt tugged at her heart as she watched the creatures scatter. "I didn't mean to," she said softly, her ears lowering for a moment. But then an idea struck her, and her tail began to wag again.

Slowly, carefully, Cassia would lay down on her belly, lowering her head to the ground. She whispered to the baby spiders, her voice gentle and coaxing. "Come, little ones. Cassia will take care of you." One by one, they began to crawl toward her, their tiny legs tickling her fur as they climbed onto her. The girl was certain it was because they understood her, in her mind, they were not looking for a safe place to hide but saw Cassia as their new mother. Cassia remained still, her heart swelling with a strange sense of responsibility. She would take them home. She would raise them as her babies!

Once the last of the spiders had nestled into her fur, Cassia rose to her feet, careful not to dislodge any of her newly adopted children. She smiled, feeling their tiny presence all over her body, the tickle of hundreds of bugs in her fur and turned back toward home. She had set out today to explore, and explore she had... only now, she was bringing something precious back with her. More family!

"Come, little ones," she murmured again, her voice full of warmth. "Cassia will show you her home. You will be safe." And with that, she made her way through the forest humming a tune in between and the promises she made to the spiders. "I will catch bugs for you my sweets! There is so many bugs in the gorge! You will be happy! Just don't bite anyone there... please!"

She hadn't thought how she was going to get the bugs out of her fur, and she probably wouldn't be forced to consider such a thing until her family asked her. For now, she was content letting a hundred spiders loose in the dens.

Plots for them: arranged marriage? VERY close bonds with every immediate family member. healer skill for sure. Her connection to her name "Arachne" could represent more, it may reflect a deep-seated love for strategy and weaving intricate, unseen webs of influence. She might enjoy being the one behind the scenes, subtly helping others succeed or fail, all while keeping herself out of the spotlight. perhaps a major mommy AND daddy's girl!