


12-22-2013, 10:46 AM
Sure to keep her distance she watched the pups. The young male acted as a good brother and moved in front of his sister. Trying to seem less of a treat she lay down in the snow so she would be at eye level with them. "Seracia hum? Thank you." She said gently albeit coldly. The young female acted quite differently than the male, fur up and tail lashing. Her words weren't entirely threatening but they had spunk. That was something she liked and she hoped this pup would be a fighter of a wolf some day.

But for now Isabella's main concern was not to run into any fighters. "Well it would be nice to leave but I don't know the way. I don't want to just go into the heart of your land." Her fist thought was to have the pups guide her but that could look bad from a distance, very bad as if she was stealing them. Her next thought was to call forth an adult from the pack but if what the little female said was true that didn't sound like a good option either.

"Could you two guide me? Maybe you could follow behind me some distance and make sure I don't make any wrong turns. I suppose if that doesn't work you could call for an adult in the pack." Though she still didn't like that option she hoped the Seracia wolves were those who would listen to reason and accept her mistake. If not at the very least even vicious wolves wouldn't draw blood of another wolf in front of pups. Her own parent's weren't even that low.