
My devil danced with his demon.


12-22-2013, 11:31 AM

They gazed at each other in momentary silence, it was hard to see her appearance in the dark, but he could gather that the mask on her face shrouded her features in a ghastly white, surrounding pink eyes that were intriguing and different then anything he had seen. A look of interest was glued to his features as the tones in her voice drifted over with a nod. She told him he needed to tell her more about himself, more then just his name.

"What can you offer Glaciem, Dexter?" She asked, motioning with her paw for him to seat himself, though he was already seated in one position the large male stood, shaking himself slightly of the snow that had collected on his body like a gargoyle in winter. He turned to face her and seated himself once more, towering over the little woman he smirked at her, that playful, delicate, cold grin of malice he was oh so famous for. More then you could ever know... He thought to himself as he nodded his shaggy head at the Glaciem female.

I am a skilled creature if I do say so myself... He chuckled at her, the comment obviously a joking attempt at social interaction on these terms, I am a wolf trained in many things, hunting, tracking... My father trained me to be good at anything I do, it helps to ensure survival... I am strong, well trained warrior trained in many tactics... I don't eat much... I can do well without sleep... I am as loyal as they come... Oh, and I'm a pretty damn good fisher... The speckled razorback winked, again another playful jab at a joke. If anything was going to get him in to somewhere he could rest easy, spilling this was the way to do it.