
Merebos Halloween Puppies

Medusa x Érebos Litter


10-08-2024, 05:42 AM
OOC Name: Helix
Character Name: Melantha (dark flower in Greek)
Alignment: Lawful evil
Melantha is a wolf who enjoys the finer things in life. Order, her pack, destruction, and a little blood here and there. Melantha is a stickler for rules and does not break them, no matter how restricting. She despises those who toy with the law. Melantha adores her pack and her family, often blind to their flaws and putting them on pedestals. She believes they are perfect in every way and can do no wrong. If anyone were to say otherwise, they would have her fangs to deal with. Melantha has a soft spot for pups and has a lot of maternal instincts to protect the young. Some can even describe her as motherly. Her motherly ways to do not just stop at pups but towards her siblings and others she finds in her care. A mom friend, basically. Melantha has a hyperfixation on poison and herbs. She will work and test these poisons on victims. She is also not shy from violence and shedding blood. Infact, she finds fighting and bloodshed quite enjoyable. She does not have a level head. She is very quick to anger. She is sadistic and enjoys the pain of others. She has a sick sense of humor and morbid curiosity. Her jokes are often inappropriate and crude.
Any other info: Melantha laughs uncontrollably due to a neurological condition, think Phoenix’s “Joker”. Often she laughs when uncomfortable or experiencing too much stress or emotion.
Roleplay Sample:
Melantha’s paws were hard at work, churning up dirt and uprooting the herbs that she needed. She had collected them all in a neat little pile not far from where she was working. She hummed a small tune as she worked, uprooting plants and piling them up. Once she was done, she would gather to bundle within her dark maws and carry them off back towards Insomnia’s lands, towards her den, where she would stow away the precious herbs and dry them as necessary. Once she reached the pack lands and crossed over the border, she would slithered her way towards her den and set the plants aside on a nest desk. She hummed as she organized each one according to property. The plants were set aside and organized, she tended to clean out her old stock of herbs and keep her den nice and tidy. Now that those chores were done, she flashed a grin towards the plants on her shelves. “I'll be back my little lovelies. Don't wait up too long.” She called out to them as she exited the den. Now, she just needed a few more ingredients and a test subject. The funnest part! She could feel her maws swell with salvia at the thought.
Plots for them: Maybe have kids of her own some day! To become a decent fighter and herbalist. I would also like for her to have a good reputation among her family. I can change her name if it's already taken!