
Head in the Clouds


12-22-2013, 01:48 PM

Aranya, after making sure Nuka was sated, dug in with relish. She did not notice how hungry she had grown over the course of the day until the first shred of meat his her gut. For all that she tried to remain mannerly and neat, it was not easily accomplished. She began at the bison's shoulder, stripping it away until her teeth scraped bone, and moving then to the innards left behind. As quickly as her meal began, it seemed as if it was over. She took a step back and licked at her chops, trying to wipe away the grime and gore as best as she could. After a quick flick of the tongue to make certain her incisors were free of meat, she turned to search out what had become of Nuka.

She was pleasantly surprised to find him standing guard, as she had. Not to say that she thought he was of ill character, only that it appeared he meant to protect her, even in his weakened state if the need arose. She smiled and cleared her throat. "Well I for one feel much better," she said with a smile. Looking up, she saw that the sun had quite advanced in the sky, and she wondered exactly how much time had passed, and if maybe theirs was running low. "So where will your paws take you now, Ser Nuka?" Her tone was as neutral as could be, restraining all the joy and sadness and wonder she felt boiling about inside of her. There were so many questions she had not found answers for yet.
