
A Wonderful Day For An Autopsy


03-12-2013, 11:07 AM

He could smell the swamp approaching him. It made his lip curl back in disgust and rage. He wanted nothing to do with the place and now it was coming to him. When his red eyes fell upon the wolf at the mouth of the cave however a short chuckle escaped his lips. Just another refugee that had been devoured by the swamp. Nothing more. The swamp would never come to claim him. Not if he could help it. Not if he could avoid being swallowed by the dark foul abyss. Perhaps it had become his greatest fear. Or perhaps he was simply paranoid from a life that he had left in the swamp long ago.

The wolf was small, like him, a horribly torn thing with matted sleet gray fur and missing parts. She would make a terrible toy. He didn't like to share and clearly she had already been used. "Now now, don't we look bored." she spoke. He looked down into the small pile of bones and lifted the cub's twisted head with his paw, picking out it's tongue and sucking it into his maw. "I suppose." he grumbled, twisting onto his side and crushing the remaining bones with his body. "A good hunt only does so much." Not that this was by any means a good hunt. Sub-par at best.

He heard the screech of the rat's laughter and turned an eye in the general direction of the new beast. Used goods as well but she carried herself differently and that spoke volumes. She hadn't arrived as much as she had congealed in the cave and appeared, she wore her tattered body like a fine mink coat and adored every scar that had been left. A fine beast, worthy of the former Beta's attention. His characteristic grin broke under the skull. as the rat spoke "Oooo so scary!" . He laughed heartily and rose to his feat. "Goodness have I become popular. No my little Muridae. If I was after fear I wouldn't waste my time hunting cubs fresh from the womb." He sang. every single tooth in his mouth poking out from under the skull.
