
New Thangs




Advanced Navigator (70)

Advanced Intellectual (65)

2 Years
Toy size
10-09-2024, 12:23 AM
She was leading them places again. Not that she was able to figure much out about scents. She had yet to find a familiar one and felt just as frustrated as Ultyr was likely with her at this point. She wanted to do good, she really did. She wanted to please him to keep him being kind to her. She didn't want to go back to the way she had been treated before.

He had her eating almost daily now, shoving things like livers and other protein rich foods at her and demanding she eat them. The results were starting to show, and she kind of enjoyed it. Her ribs she couldn't see them anymore, and her stomach wasn't as sunken in. He was a benevolent as he said God. She was honestly starting to believe it too. He didn't practice horrid things and was sweet with her, mostly. He still seemed to want to demand her to eat more. She had no clue why.

She moved with a small pep to her step. The air here she could tell something was different. She turned and gave him a smile, she wasn't as afraid to look upon him anymore but she still had a decent amount of sense to not try to upset him. She had been insistent about this direction to him as well. They had passed that strange smell again but she still couldn't put her paw on just why she should know it. She had been looking for seashells along the shore when she smelled it but it was gone just as soon as she smelled it.

She gave a small spin in her place in her excitement as she then started trotting again. She knew this smell. Sulfur and water. She hadn't seen a hot spring in what felt like forever. She dashed to a nearby pool and grinned to herself. She wasn't going far from him she hoped he knew. She looked down in the water. It was so clear she could almost see the sky and her own reflection. She turned her face this way and that as she looked at herself in the water. Her cheeks had filled out though she was still slim, she had Ultyr to thank for that. Her little tail gave a wag at that. She was still uncertain with others but she had sort of figured out where she stood with Ultyr. She did whatever he wanted and in turn she was rewarded with food and safety from the world. She had smelled another male on him recently though and she kind of wanted to meet them, if they were friends with Ultyr then they would obviously be safe for her.

"Things I Hear"

Lailah is a rated M character, her threads will likely contain possibly triggering material. Please read her with caution.

Ultyr as her current master may enter any of her threads as he sees fit, and is likely lurking somewhere near her regardless of his prescience in her threads.