
for now it's time to run, it's time to run!




Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

2 Years
10-09-2024, 03:37 PM


As soon as his paw left her back she rolled to her side and curled into herself. Holding her stomach and sniffing as her ribs shuddered against her lungs. Fighting to hold back her sobs enough to hear him, to keep quiet. She secreted to open her eyes and look for an escape, her green eyes darting around for any sliver of hope. But no, she had been thrown from the pan into the fire. She had been so close. But this was probably why her masters had come here, many clients for their particular flavor of goods. Her breath continued to shudder within her. She almost hoped her scream had woken her masters and they would come running.

Her ears flattened and her eyes closed again as he laid out the ground rules. As he spoke she slowly got up, her head low, her body trembling, trying her best to stifle a cough in the back of her throat.

He mentioned that if she embarrassed him at all, she might be mutilated. Her ears snapped forward and flattened again as her eyes dashed to his molten silver pools in shock then cast away in deference. Her head sank lower with every rule that would outline her new life.

She shuddered as he leaned closer with soft words that detailed her daily duties. They weren't so different than the duties she had when serving her uncle's family. The satisfying him though... She brought her paws closer to herself, her tail curling against her, her previous masters hadn't let her go untried either, especially when she had gone into her last heat. It was why her uncle sold her.

He ordered her to speak. She lifted her gaze for one last look at the world as her freedom slipped away as easily as if it had been a noose. A wild hair slithers into her brain for one desperate moment. She could leap over the fox....

Her breath changes as her eyes lock on the sliver of sunrise between two trees up ahead. So close she could taste the morning dew.

She leaps, and her heart sails as her paws leave the ground. She imagines the fox and the wolf staring dumbfounded after her as she tries to escape!

As Flare's slave, he has full permission to do what he likes with her and enter any of Demelza's threads.

[Image: yohvRmV.png]