hurry up now
You're not feeling so well...
Effendi- Muqatil
Master Fighter (245)
Master Hunter (240)
2 Years
2 Years
10-10-2024, 05:44 PM
Flare hadn’t intended to fall asleep so easily. He woke feeling a little stiff himself, having slept soundlessly through the night. His eyes glanced at his slave, who sat by the fire, preparing something for his breakfast. Had she followed his command to sleep beside him? He hadn’t intended for sleeping to be the plan. A part of him wished to blame her, she had taken too long to clean out the den. She had delayed.
He clicked his claws together once more, his clear signal for her to move to him immediately. But since he was still training, and she could be stupid, he followed it with a command. ”Come.” He said. Breakfast would probably burn, but he could punish her for that later. He waited for her to trot over to him, and he lay back down. The sheepskin beneath his back. “Here.” He ordered her, pointing to his stomach, an indication for her to lie on him. He didn’t even manhandle her, he forced her to make herself move to him.
He clicked his claws together once more, his clear signal for her to move to him immediately. But since he was still training, and she could be stupid, he followed it with a command. ”Come.” He said. Breakfast would probably burn, but he could punish her for that later. He waited for her to trot over to him, and he lay back down. The sheepskin beneath his back. “Here.” He ordered her, pointing to his stomach, an indication for her to lie on him. He didn’t even manhandle her, he forced her to make herself move to him.