
It's what you know



"All my troubles on the burning pile, All lit up and I start to smile."


Master Fighter (370)

Master Hunter (285)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Hawk-Eyed Hawk-Eyed

1 Year
Extra large

Double MasterScarredSnake EyesRapid Poster - Gold
10-12-2024, 12:48 AM

Redrum’s body shook violently under the weight of Enyo’s words, the chaotic surge in his blood intensifying as she taunted him with the confidence he couldn’t fully grasp. His muscles spasmed uncontrollably as he clung to the familiar surge of power that came with his bites, the tearing of flesh, the taste of blood—but her words cut deeper than any wound.

“Never... had... you,” he stammered between sharp, broken breaths, his voice rasping against her fur. His mind raced, struggling to connect the meaning of her words with the violent dance they were caught in. She wasn’t breaking. She wasn’t shattering beneath him like the others. Instead, she was... accepting? But not submitting. No, there was no submission in her, only a dark pull that confused him more.

Her smirk, her damned confidence, twisted something raw and ugly inside him. He wanted to tear into her more, to force the break, to feel the moment she would crack beneath his weight. But she didn’t. Her body moved with his, pressed into him with that same relentless resistance that made his mind whirl.

“What—.... Speak plainly— Enyo.” he growled low, voice breaking between his uneven breaths, frustration bleeding into his movements. She was pushing him, pulling him into something he couldn’t name, something beyond the blood and violence that was his only language. His body convulsed again, spasms shaking his limbs as he bit harder, searching for something—anything—that made sense. Her scent filled his senses, the mix of blood and dominance clouding his thoughts, yet something still felt wrong. He was missing something.

Redrum’s golden eyes flickered with confusion, his muscles twitching beneath her as she shoved him back, teeth clamping around his neck with brutal precision. The earth pressed cold against his back as her weight bore down on him, forcing him into submission in a way that didn’t come naturally to him. His breath hitched, the ragged growl in his throat tapering off into a frustrated snarl as he tried to process what had just happened.

Her fangs held him there, her triumph unmistakable, yet her words left him tangled in a web of confusion. His body trembled beneath hers, not from exhaustion, but from the sheer chaos ripping through his mind. She had won. But why did it feel like more than that? What was she asking of him? His muscles jerked, his limbs spasming as if they couldn’t reconcile the shift from dominance to whatever this was.

Do you really think this is all there is? she whispered, the question wrapping around his mind like a trap he couldn’t escape. All of what? He didn’t know. Redrum’s breath came in shallow bursts, his body still shaking beneath her as the fire in his eyes flickered with both fury and something else—something unformed. She was offering him something, but he couldn’t see it, couldn’t grasp what she was trying to show him.

Her final words lingered in his mind, twisting like a dagger between his thoughts. Impressive. She called him impressive. Find her? For what? His gaze flicked up to hers, wild and unsteady, the hunger still gnawing at him, but now tainted with a new, strange need to understand. He didn’t speak. Couldn’t. His voice was lost somewhere between the spasms that tore through him and the storm of confusion that clouded his mind.

As Enyo released him, rising to her feet, Redrum lay there for a moment longer, staring up at the dark sky, his breath coming in ragged, uneven gasps. The world felt off-kilter, the violent energy that usually consumed him now tangled in the strange realization that there was more. More to this—more to her—more to whatever it was she had been trying to give him.

But for now, all he knew was the taste of blood, the trembling in his limbs, and the confusion — the heat and hunger that lingered in his body still.


Redrum speaks in third person, known as illeism.
He deals with neurological issues from head trauma,
Causing disruptions in speech and movement,
Making him appear twitchy, with uncontrollable tics affecting every muscle.

Assume he isn't wearing his skull mask unless specified.