
Grape Vine



03-12-2013, 12:09 PM
Loccian gave a small nod of her head for his reason for being out here. There were times, quite a bit where she would leave Seracia to relax and just try to think about the new life she had here. Try to adjust to being in a pack and being the one in it that would be healing and tending to everyone. And when he added onto that she looked at him kind of odd, head tilted slightly with a raised brow. Was sand that much of a bother? What really got her though was the beach, what was that? Most of her life she spent her time inland, far from any ocean and even when she was near water it was mostly smashed up banks that were muddy and falling apart. She kept this to herself, if she had asked him what a beach was she thought he would make fun of her or say something that would upset her.

From the way he talked she could tell he wasn't really a talker, at least in little talk. She didn't mind, Loccian wasn't much of a talker either and mostly used her body to communicate with others. At least he was trying to strike up some conversation with her question instead of just answering and going quiet. Then he asked how her search went. The grey-black she-wolf cleared her throat and turned her head to the side, looking off into the distance for a few moments before finally speaking. "It is alright, I've inspected some plants but have not found anything that I am looking for. I'm still looking." She answered his question, watching him from the corner of her eyes.

He seemed to be, upset. Grey eyes watched his ears fold back and his head turn to the side. Was he upset about something she did or maybe something he was thinking about before she had arrived. She closed her eyes for a moment and took in a long deep breath and exhaled, ears swiveled to the side as she turned to face him and took a step forward. "Segar... is something wrong?" She asked in her soft tone, a hint of concern mixed with her caring heart. "I know we aren't really friends or close but, I am willing to listen."