
little bo peep has lost her sheep

Finch II

Raiders Hollow
Sacrificial Lamb

Advanced Healer (60)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

2 Years
10-13-2024, 02:36 PM

Every last bit will be swallowed up. Finch wanted to push back against him again, fight his threats with logic, but he had an air of seriousness about it all that gave her pause. Regardless of whether or not it was true, he believed it - or wanted her to. The strength of his conviction shook her, made her meek in the face of it all. Where she was usually effervescent and light, she receded within herself and tucked her tail beneath her. The dark red sky above begged her sunny disposition to mute itself in the face of it all. She flinched away from his teeth when he snapped them near her face.

The sun above leered down at them, a bloody, cracked yolk.

Perhaps he was right, then. Nothing about what was happening seemed logical. It defied all she knew of nature. The tide would rise. It would destroy them all.

Finch shook her head liberally, as if to knock the idea loose from where it had taken hold. Nonsense. This place was making her question all that she knew to be true. She didn't like to feel as if she was easily convinced, but it was difficult to hold fast to her convictions as reality bent before her very eyes. The sensation passed as he grabbed her attention again with that word she found she liked to hear: pretty. A blush heated her cheeks as she realized he had complimented her, albeit in another language, but then again in their shared tongue. He introduced himself and inclined his head, those tall antlers drawing her gaze up. They reminded her of the spires that surrounded them and she shivered again, unable to draw her mind completely away from their surroundings and the strangeness of it all.

"Well met, Björn Trygg," she said softly, her gaze meeting his for a moment before sliding past again towards the eerie red glow that suffused everything. "My name is Finch, and I belong to Avalon," she tilted her head back towards from where she had ventured forth. Their territories lay close by. "All sorts have been drawn here. Have you had the chance to investigate this place?" She pulled her gaze away, roving between the spires. She thirsted for answers, but this place would not give up its secrets easily.