
Dunamis adopts

OPENED till the 15th of Oct/2 available



Pride - Bisexual
10-13-2024, 07:01 PM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2024, 01:40 PM by Shazaki. Edited 21 times in total.)
Name: Alexandra Dunamis (Cousin)
Gender: female

1 year old(Aging on Winter Y21) - Large(35) - Heavy

Her body sports the traits of a true Dunamis, with piebald adorning her frame, constrasting with the black coat base. A patchy work of a wolf, she is striking and unique for many. Her eyes are of two different shades. The left one is pale green while the right is a pale blue, both from her parents. Her size though is where she lacks in contrast to the majority, while most are giants, she falls a bit under that trait, only reaching 35 inches tall putting her in the large spectrum. Her fur is fluffy and soft, smelling of humid soil and pines. Her voice lacks feminine tones, sometimes being too loud and authoritative for a female who should be sutile and gentle which is a reflection of who she is as a wolf.

Aloof, and Unkind. Thick-skinned Clever, Difficult to know

impolite & Unkind: Alexandra is known for her brusque manner and sharp tongue. She rarely holds back on her opinions, often dismissing the feelings of others without a second thought. This impolite demeanor often leads to conflicted relationships within her pack.

Aloof & Difficult to Know: Despite being group-dependent, Alexandra maintains a significant emotional distance. She often observes rather than engage, resulting in an aura of mystery that keeps her family and pack members guessing about her true thoughts and feelings.

Thick-skinned: Alexandra has developed a tough exterior to shield herself from criticism and emotional pain. This thick skin allows her to endure harsh comments from others, though it also prohibits her from connecting meaningfully with her peers.

Clever: Highly intelligent, Alexandra often devises strategies to navigate complex social dynamics. She uses her cleverness to manipulate situations to her advantage, which can both help and hinder her relationships.

RP Sample:
She walked along her sibling as they were concluding their journey from back home to these strange new lands. Following after the promise of new unexplored territory for their taking, Alex had come hoping to get her own piece of that power she and her family needed. Cold expressionless eyes darted around, taking in all the features and imagining how she would make it work and adjust it to her own likes.

She knew better not to defy the patriarch when it came to order of possession, always playing the obedient woman, mostly to manipulate and get on his good side, clever enough to know that going along the current felt less hard than going against it when there was no possibilities for her to win.

She gave her sibling a cold expression as she wondered what he would do.

Future plots and ideas for them: Intellect and Hunting. Get a piece of power, level skills and stay true to herself. Be obedient to a point, manipulate others into their cause or the like