
Knock Knock You about to get.....

Widow Pack Challenge


"Little Things Add Up"


Master Fighter (280)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Toy size

Pride - Bisexual
10-13-2024, 08:01 PM
Bellatrix Ravenwood

She waited for the woman, no care for whether she liked Trixy or not. When she showed both her companions alerted to her, and Trixy pivoted to face her directly. The words the woman threw out bringing a glare and a narrowing of her eyes to Trixy's face. The words distasteful and reminding her of a bully. Trixy despised bullies. The woman might of beat her once but Trixy was not about to let that deter her. But confidence like that would be this "Queen of Hell's" undoing. Underestimating a small thing was a deadly thing. Some of the most deadly things in the world were tiny, bacteria, spiders, snakes, all came in tiny varieties that were deadly. "Don't write me off just because of size, some of the deadliest things are tiny." Her lips peeled in a grin for a moment as Genny came encouraging her. She had her own depending on her, so this woman's supporters were of little consequence to her at the moment.

--fight starts here--

Widow gave her the first move and readied herself, Trixy gave her a nod. Her eyes narrowed and she rolled her shoulders forward, eyes on the woman. She was aware of the cat and the birds above, she'd fought her before and thanks to that she knew what to expect from her companion wise. Her ears pressed and that was the signal. Frank started forward aiming to close the gap his head lowering and powerful body going straight for Widow. He aimed to use his larger than Trixy bulk to shove his left shoulder into Widow's right while simultaneously rolling his antlered crown and aiming the backside of his large antlers to slam into her right ribcage around where her shoulder sat. His front left hoof aimed to stomp on her right forepaw at the same instance to hopefully keep her grounded for the moment with his almost two hundred pounds of bulk.

Trixy darted forward in the same moment Frank did, aiming to run not for Widow directly but in a semicircle to Widow's left and Trixy's right, hoping she would be more focused on Frank. Her neck dropped and lips peeled, while her chin tucked to guard her throat. Her toes splayed with her run and tail came out straight, acting as a balance and a rudder for Trixy. Trixy's horn aimed to stab into the woman's(Widow's) left back hock, knowing she couldn't reach a lot much higher. She had hope to stab directly into the muscle of the hock and ankle and hopefully unbalance Widow or at least cause her some kind of destabilization. Her raven stayed up high for the moment. The snow and ice below might cause them an issue but it was a risk Trixy was willing to take.

Say come on and show the world who you really are

Bellatrix vs Widow for pack challenge
Round: 1/2
Height: 15"
Build: Light

OOC: Where my facts come from for the reindeer size is here. By this logic he is about 200lbs of almost pure muscle and stands around 36" tall.