
Knock Knock You about to get.....

Widow Pack Challenge


"Little Things Add Up"


Master Fighter (280)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Toy size

Pride - Bisexual
Yesterday, 08:39 AM
Bellatrix Ravenwood

Bellatrix wasn't shocked with how this woman fought, they had fought before. The caw of Widow's ravens were a signal of their attack, and Frank, Trixy's reindeer was ready. His eye closed as the first went for his eyelid, the claws scratching and leaving small cuts as his muscles in his face tensed against them. It left little for the raven to grip, as the second tried to claw at him through dense fur, fatty muscle, and thick hide, leaving no more than surface scratches and welts on the reindeer. A minor inconvenience to the capreolinae. Widow's hip connecting to his muscle between his chest and shoulder around the collarbone bruising the area effectively and causing the animal to snort out his pain as he made to turn and move away, not in fear but out of his part being done. He made to moved off with no intention to harry the spotted woman further.

Bellatrix's own raven, Charlie, took the chance to make his move, silence as he descended in his flight, eyes keen on Widow's cat as it settled on Widow's scruff. He aimed his own body and claws for the cat's neck, aiming to scratch into the cat's skin around the cat's throat to the left side of the cat, his entire body at a T angle from the cat. His wings simultaneously aimed to batter and hopefully prevent the cat from being able to aid Widow, possibly knocking it off or unbalancing it.

Trixy's eyes stayed narrowed as Widow's back left foot lifted, her chin tucking and head recoiling effectively making Widow's stomp miss her face and glance past her nose. Her body began turning to the right in that same instance, pivoting and using the snow and ice to aid in the movement as her toes splayed. Her eyes glancing to Widow's face in that moment as the woman twisted. Widows teeth landing no where but air as Trixy pivoted, body angling to be parallel with Widow's own now keeping beside and away from the foot that had tried to stomp her a moment before. She folded her body to compact herself for the next move she had, tail flagging directly behind her aiding in her balance and the direction of the turn. Trixy's lips peeled and muzzle crinkled to keep blood and debris from her eyes that might fly at her from their movements. With Widow's head and neck turned to her now Trixy unfurled and completed her twist, now aiming a bite directly for the left side of Widow's face near her ocular, intent to grasp and hold from the side of the face with her lower jaw aiming for the muscle of her cheek and her upper jaw for the brow of Widow's eye. Her hackles stood erect and tensed to deter damage to her neck and shoulder region. Her ears pinned to her skull to avoid them being damaged or grabbed. Back legs splaying to keep her balance as her upper body left the ground in her lunge. Front left leg aiming her paw to place it above Widow's muzzle to steady herself and keep the woman from grabbing it hopefully. Her right front paw curling close to her chest to protect it. Her tongue pulled back to keep it out of the way of her own bite. The weight of her body should the bite land might keep the woman's head down, as even though she was small it didn't mean she was without bodyweight, in fact she was mainly muscle mass which would weigh more than body fat would.

Say come on and show the world who you really are

Bellatrix vs Widow for pack challenge
Round: 2/2
Height: 15"
Build: Light

ooc: gg either way, would like to state I would like Luns to judge if possible as well <3