I ain't Just some small fry
Lg Predator fight(mountain lion) open to 1
10-16-2024, 06:55 AM
She watched as the small pup worked trying to take down a predator twice his size. He had courage, but courage didn't mean you always went looking for trouble. But so was life, sometimes trouble found you. Her tail going into a dominance stance, as she clamped down harder for a moment the cougar hissed and growled at it's two attackers. The slate womans spine was rose, making purchase with her back paws upon the ground and yanking backwards. Her ears pinned against her skull. Blood coated her maw as closing her eyes in an act to protect them from getting any of the life source within them. She continued to yank and tear at it's throat continuesly. The ground under her back paws were becoming more slick with the blood as it began to stain the ground.
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