
Falling for you



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

5 Years
Yesterday, 08:39 PM (This post was last modified: Today, 10:03 AM by Noor. Edited 1 time in total.)

True to her word Fable had made a point of taking care of Noor, who was still a shadow of her former self but could at least eat without gorging herself and being sick now. And all while they'd been traveling south. After the night under the shadow of the spires rumors had already started that something odd had started happening further south and with the mission to get more information in mind they moved. And though Noor was weak they'd made good time.

They'd hadn't even been able to see the shoreline when an earth deep rumbling could be heard and a few surprised shouts rose up from the beach. Whatever that was it hadn't been expected by the curious explorers. And it didn't take long to see what had happened, sand still cascaded down into the maws of some sort of chasm. How deep it was Noor couldn't tell. She wasn't about to get too close even as she stepped onto the beach proper. Noor tried to crane her neck to see into the fresh hole in the ground, but with the dim light of the seemingly perpetually red sky and the careful distance she was keeping it was impossible to see anything but the yawning mouth of the chasm and the darkness within.

"First things came up out of the earth and now it's collapsing in on itself?" It was more comment, a thin connection she was making but Noor turned her gaze on Fable all the same.

Or she did for all of a few seconds. One moment standing on solid ground and the next discovering how solid it really was. Maybe it was after shocks, maybe it was just that whatever had been below the sand had finally given up its structural integrity but Noor joined the ranks of wolves who found themselves plunging into the dark. The ground wasn't particularly forgiving, she'd landed on her side but at least it seemed the worst it would do right now was bruise her and wind her. Noor lay there for a moment, eyes closed. Unaware if Fable had also fallen or if she'd managed to get herself stuck in a second hole in front of her former lover in as many days.


Art by Hagon
[Image: VXKJzun.gif]