
Songs of Prosperity


12-23-2013, 04:07 PM
OOC: Sure

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Deneke!

Her friend spoke of being a good friend, and a good friend she was indeed. A soft grin played at the alabaster femme's features, revealing the tips of her formidable fangs as she slid shut her steel orbs and sighed in contentment. Lifting her cranium, pale tiara would pivot so that the woman's liquid mercury gaze fixed upon the mismatched stare of her pearl coated friend. "Song, if there is ever anything you would need, I should hope you would come to me." She murmured, Russian lyrics calm and sweet. Ethereal tones spoke only the truth, hopeful that her friend would stay close; since Song was all the ivory lass had left as a constant, besides Magnus. Lifting her head, Aurora looked up to the sky and stared at the stars that were blinking to life in the inky blackness. One day, she would join her family up there, but not before she could leave behind a history here that she could be proud of. Hopefully the woman at her side would be there until the end of it.

-End of Thread-
