
Show me that you're willing to BURN




Master Fighter (270)

Advanced Hunter (110)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

2 Years
Dire wolf
7 hours ago

Ellara Praetor

Enyo’s icy blue eyes darkened as Empousa spoke, each word stoking the embers of her irritation. The smaller she-wolf’s feigned disappointment and glib attitude grated on her nerves like claws scraping stone. The audacity. The arrogance. To show up here, act coy, and throw jabs as if she were entitled to even an ounce of Enyo's attention.

The titan stood unmoving, her expression a mask of cold disdain. "You talk a lot for someone hoping to leave a lasting impression," Enyo drawled, her velvety voice slow and deliberate, laced with just enough venom to sting. "I don’t care for your games, and I certainly don’t care for the assumptions you make about me. You’re poking a beast with no leash, and if you’re not careful, you’ll find out how sharp my teeth are."

Her gaze flicked toward the water, briefly considering how satisfying it would be to toss this irritating creature into the pond and watch her flail. But she resisted the temptation because Empousa’s persistent presence offered some perverse form of entertainment. Like a fly buzzing too close to a wolf’s maw, tempting fate. The very thought of seeing Empousa every day, lingering around Insomnia like an annoying fly buzzing at her ears, made Enyo’s skin crawl.

Enyo wanted the satisfaction of crushing it.

"You think I want you to beg?" Enyo scoffed, her armor clinking softly as she shifted her weight. "Begging means nothing to me. You’re not the first to think yourself clever by withholding what I never asked for in the first place." She took a step closer, her broad shoulders and thick mane casting a long shadow over Empousa, her presence suffocating.

Her lips pulled into a slow, predatory grin, though her gaze was sharp and unyielding."You’re wasting your time and you overestimate your importance. What goes on inside my head is for myself and my family only. You’re not a fool but an idiot to think that you’re even a drop worthy of me. I don’t need to explain to you of my value. Others see it, I know you do too. It’s why you follow me like some desperate little fly. Waiting for me to notice you and once you have my attention you put up some poorly thought-out facade. You’re about as seductive as a pile of shit. ” The words rolled off her tongue like a challenge, daring Empousa to pry further.

But then the bitterness in Empousa’s voice cut through the air, a slight shift in her playful demeanor. Enyo's smile vanished, replaced by a cool, assessing look. "So that’s it," she murmured, her voice low and dangerous.

She wants to make her home here? The idea sent a ripple of disgust through Enyo’s core. A life where every glance over her shoulder might find those gleaming, smug red eyes? Where every moment of peace could be interrupted by that sharp tongue, poking and prodding just to see how far it could go?

A deep, rumbling growl built in Enyo’s throat, her silver-blue gaze locked onto Empousa with renewed intensity. "Let me make this clear, little fox." She stepped closer still, her nose nearly brushing Empousa’s. "You’ll find no welcome here. These lands are not for you. And if you try to make them yours..." She bared her teeth slightly, just enough to show the glint of sharp fangs. "I will be your gator."

The very notion was intolerable. Enyo’s world was one of discipline, order, and power. Not a circus for bored troublemakers to amuse themselves. Empousa’s presence was the kind of chaos that grated against everything Enyo stood for an unnecessary distraction, a pest she couldn’t squash without making a scene.

With that, Enyo leaned back, her cold expression unchanged as if daring Empousa to say anything more. She let her words hang in the air like a threat, daring Empousa to keep pushing, to test just how far she could press before Enyo snapped. And if Empousa stayed? Enyo would be ready. Always watching, always waiting, a storm just beneath the surface, waiting to be unleashed.




Enyo's companions Foberos, a large peregrine falcon, & Atromitos, a large snowy owl, are to be assumed as with her at all times unless otherwise stated