
Sokee Litter #2


12-23-2013, 04:30 PM
I claim Number 6, Application will be worked on soon.

Name: Nahuel (Jaguar in Native American)
Appearance: #6 (Fav), #2 (Second Fav)
It was late in the afternoon when little gold eyed male began to slink from the shadows of the mangrove forest. He had been told of what it was called but the name was lost meaning on him. It was something he just couldn't comprehend right now. In time perhaps but now, when he was so young and new? No, he was all about lurking in the shadows and going after his siblings. Not to harm them mind you but rather, to tackle them. To play. The pups of white and smoky chocolate loved to play. He loved to creep and pounce when you were least expecting him to. Like one of these moments now. He was after one of his sisters though; he isn't sure which one she is quite yet. Names were usually beyond him and for a while; they would be. At least until he was more familiar with them and the pack in general. He just didn't understand all those fancy things. Meanings were beyond him too but then again, he doesn't much care. He's a carefree and rather rambunctious little boy. That tail of his is always flicking back and forth to show his excitement or content with the world and those in it. There really isn't a mean bone in his body except for when you would go after his family. His siblings and his parents are everything to him. There's just no exceptions to this. You mess with them and he'll come after you. He doesn't care if he's tiny, it doesn't matter in his mind. If you upset them then, you are upsetting him. That's all there is to it. He's friendly and sociable and while he has his moments, he doesn't let anyone tell him who to be or how to act. Though; his parents are allowed to do this of course and he respects them; loves them. From the shadows of the brush he leaps though; he stumbles. Instead of targeting his sister, he lands in a heap beside her. He's confused and clearly doesn't know what just happened. Of course, this leads to a sudden pout and whimpering. Poor boy, he was only trying to have a little fun. What was so wrong with that?