


01-11-2014, 02:06 PM
kat agreed to calling this a draw. didn't make much sense for artemis to want ares around after he killed their mother, so this felt pointless in my eyes.

Though the targeted areas of her assault were left unscathed, still the viper managed to obtain a pitiful grasp to the excess flesh upon her brother's neck, leaving a bitter taste in her jaws as her vindictive incisors penetrated his skin. Perhaps she had assumed extracting his blood would suffice the eternal wounds he carved into her blackened heart, and yet, the taste was something that caused her gut to lurch unpleasantly rather than soothe her frayed nerves. As her sibling clenched his teeth into the loose flesh at the nape of her neck, seemingly forgetting the relationship they shared in favor of vengeance, realization struck the babe that her sibling truly did not cherish the bond of kinship. He never would, in fact -- it was a harsh reality that the phantom prodigy would be forced to accept no matter how much she wished it wasn't so. Her brother was, indeed, no longer hers after having detached himself multiple times from their family, and no matter how many instances she would beg and plead for his return, the effort would be futile; he had made his choice, and now she had made hers. Jaws would part as the rage and adrenaline died within her veins, relinquishing her hold upon her brother's flesh before she wrenched her body backwards and away from Ares' grip, withdrawing from their close proximity. Amethyst and silver gaze would locate the pallid brute as she attempted to backpedal slowly away from him, disappointment laden in her porcelain features. "You are right," the viper began quietly, speech meant only for the ears of her sibling. "You are not mine. You are not my brother." With one final glance to the scuffle between her true brother and Devya, hoping that he would reign victorious and that Ares would understand the meaning behind her words, the wraith trailed back towards her king, nearing his side to signify that they no longer held a purpose here.

exeunt artemis .. unless ares joins the codeine / devya fight