
Sokee Litter #2



5 Years
12-23-2013, 08:16 PM
Name: Encore Destruction
Appearance: #3, or #12
Personality: Encore will grow to be a very reserved wolf, and a very thoughtful one. Prone to losing herself inside her own mind, daydreaming and lounging in the sunlight will be among her favorite past times. She will always be mindful of the needs and desires of others, and if it is in her capability to help, she will do so gladly and with a smile on her face. She is not one to complain, but rather to grin and bear it, even to her dying moment. Her demeanor might lend some to believe she is aloof or disinterested in most everything, but this could not be farther from the truth. Encore considers herself quite the scholar. Even if her supposed intelligence may give the girl airs, she does not always believe her input would be welcome. She is avidly interested in almost everything, and you can be guaranteed that Encore will have an opinion; you only have to seek it out. Fortunately, it is frequently worth the effort. Her wallflower tendencies give her a certain insight into the lives of others; her avid curiosity and consideration will, with time, give her wisdom beyond her years. Onlookers and overseers might wonder if perhaps the young wolf was given an ancient soul.

Emotion is, unfortunately, more like a scientific study for this odd young fae. She will break each down to it's basic building blocks in an attempt to better grasp them: Hate, Love, Sadness, Passion. The dry and calculating way she speaks and thinks can be off-putting to some. For those who pass this by, they might find her aid invaluable, and her loyalty too. If there is one thing Encore will understand better than anything, it is that family means everything. Her siblings and parents will mean the world to her, and there will not be a thing asked of her that she would not do for them. If there is distance between them, it will be her own regrettable doing. For all that she will try to take part in her siblings youthful shenanigans, it will be largely in vain. Tag will be a game of intense physical training, hide and go seek will be purely tactics and stealth. She will tire of youth quickly, and yearn always to be old and respectable like her mother. Training to become a great asset to her pack will be very important to the young wolf, and with time her efforts will show through. She will shadow her elders, eavesdrop, train in secret under the cover of darkness.
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!