
After All I've Done For You...



The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
10-21-2024, 11:26 PM

Rogue was smarter than he looked and Kaino narrowed her gaze at him as he spoke logically at her. She didn't want logic. She wanted blood and murder and violence and all of that bad stuff. She didn't want Rogue's blood, but damn did she want Nila's. Like the flip of a switch, the Sidi had gone from family, a lover, to enemy number one. It didn't dawn on Kaino for one moment that Rogue might find her reaction to the situation as crazy. If he didn't like it, he could run away as well, but in the end, he would pay. Just as Nila would pay.

Kaino didn't think that Rogue would abandon her though. Despite his words, he remained there, comforting her with sweet touches and distracting silliness. That was a type of love all in its own and the lavender woman appreciated it despite her sour mood. She pouted as he pulled away from her, though he gave her back a nice scrubbing before he went. Rogue made her an offer, telling her that they could kill something or she could try to beat him up. A little flicker of intrigue flared in the Saxe fae's eyes and she got to her paws.

He wasn't going to go easy on her just because she was pretty and Kaino laughed softly. "I won't take it easy on you for being pretty either." He was indeed a looker and they both knew it.

Kai shifted into fighting mode, her entire stance changing with practiced ease. She wasn't going to take it easy on him, she'd said, and so she wasted no time. The bob-tailed fae shot forward, seeking to slam her chest into Rogue's left shoulder. As she did so, her neck would arc, jaws wide, hoping to get a mouthful of the brute's neck as a treat.

"Kai & Rogue"

Kaino vs Rogue for Dominance (Kisses)
Round 1/?
Age: Over 1
Size: Large
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Leather bracers with tiger claws attached
Defensive Battle Accessory: Steel Armor
Companion 1: Male rabbit, 21" [Antler mutation] - Battle
Companion 2: Fossa, Female - battle
*Companion 3: Fossa, Male - battle
Mutation 1: Retractable tiger claws
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Hunter
Specialty: Mangler
Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]