
Well I'll Be Damned

Aria I


12-24-2013, 12:08 PM
Aria Corvi

Head tilted as Song spoke, asking if Aria had been enjoying her time out here. ?It's been alright, very calming and peaceful.? She would answer simply, not cold yet not overly happy or excited about it. It had definitely been a lot more peaceful and calming out here, she didn't have to worry about the safety of her pack as much as when she was Borealis. Aria did worry some though, Jupiter's actions she was sure would bring unnecessary harm to the members of Ludicael, one she was sure the Sol didn't feel bad about since what she did was ?justified.?

The topic would then go to Ludicael, which to Aria's complete surprise, Jupiter had gone missing so Song and Cherokee became the alphas. She would put a smile on for the woman who looked excited to deliver the news, but Aria couldn't help but feel a pain in her heart, jealousy for the woman. She had been demoted for silly reasons, replaced by newbies who now ran the pack. She would hold that back though, try to be happy for the woman who didn't do anything to her. Song would explain that she had been suffering an illness that brought her on the path to follow the gods who have been guiding her since.

A look of curiosity was on her face as she took the news in. So, the woman was religious now? That was interesting. Aria never really considering following the path of gods, or just believing in them and such, but she also wouldn't turn the idea of them down completely. Before she could say anything however a white figure would appear, Haku, with brought a grin to the woman. She would lean into his nuzzle, kissing him on the cheek and speaking to him in a low, loving tone. ?I was able to bring down a boar, a wonderful feast.?

Aria would turn back to Song, clearing her throat before motioning towards Haku. ?I'm sure you remember Haku, he is my mate now. She would smile at saying this, her stump tail wiggling behind her. She would go back to the Ludi news though, not wanting to get sidetracked. ?Congratulations Song, I'm sure you two will be wonderful alphas.? She would speak in friendly tones, happy for the woman. ?I may not follow the path of a god, but I don't fully believe in them nor disbelieve. May your path give you what you seek.? She would give a dip of her head to the woman.

Something would pick at her mind though, what of the pack? Did anyone leave who had been there while Aria was beta, like Deteste, Medusa, Jupiter's children and such? More importantly, were they more active now? Did she have enough who were capable of fighting to protect the pack? Last Aria remembered, Song and Cherokee didn't seem like the fighting type, and only two or three wolves there were fighters. "What is it like now udnder your rule?"


Awesome table by Mie <3