
Smells Like Teen Spirit! [Raid]



Grim Reaper

Master Fighter (275)

Advanced Healer (95)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

2 Years
Dire wolf

Ooh La LaPride - Sapiosexual
10-23-2024, 08:00 AM


› they arrived in the north parts, in sparse pines. it was cooler here and the syndicate held a terrible stench that made his nose flare. the sting of newness making him on edge as it awoke his senses. his large muscular body stepping through the scene with eyes hungry, vigilant as he made his way near medusa with red on the other side with his hawks in tow. as more insomniac's gathered, some syndicate members did too.

Érebos needed no reprimanding-, no pending encouragement or reminders of what he's here to do. medusa may of came for sheep, but Érebos did not; her lackadaisical personality was starting to become more of an issue for him, politically speaking. a talk for another day. And although his wife set the tone, he ultimately would reject her ideas in mind. match them yes? surely she knew the first impression would make a lasting ripple. for as he watched medusa engage in an initiated maim, Érebos would abruptly move with thick muscles that coiled and churned beneath his thick pelt as he attempted to slam into the other syndicate female. a snarl announced his agitation, ears falling slick as his powerful body lunged forward- his sturdy arms flinging forth metallic claws that desired her flesh. his metallic mask with horns aiming for the girl's side all the same and eventually, aiming for her flanks. no intent to take it easy now that his pregnant wife was on the line. instead, Érebos intended to leave a scar. this was no friendly raid for the dunamis anymore, and these wolves were not pack alliances by any means. ‹

érebos vs absinth for minor maim: flank scarring
round: 1/?
age: over 1yr
size: dire wolf
build: heavy
offensive battle accessory: Metal claw caps
defensive battle accessory: Metal skull mask with two 4'inch horns
companion 1: male cooper’s hawk - battle
companion 2: male ferruginous hawk - perception
skills: master fighter & advanced healer
specialty: beserker

Made for Alo by Skelle !
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]