
Just Hear Those Sleighbells Jingling...


12-24-2013, 02:59 PM

The metal structure was once more drawing her to it, the raging blizzard outside making the immense ship so much more appealing. The petite fae hurried along, tea cupped russet paws crunching through the deep snow and skirting the edge of the ice that held the ship. Scrambling up the slick edge, the lass trotted inside and shook the thick gathering of snow from her rusty brown pelt. In the corner of the cavernous room, a dusty gathering of rotting pelts left behind by the previous owner looked quite appealing. Shivering, she padded over and curled up, burying herself within their musty embrace. Shivers racked her tiny frame as she closed her orchid toned optics and attempted to warm herself up. Curse these blizzards, they always struck right when she left the Kingdom, leaving her stranded in the middle of fricking nowhere and freezing her tail off, even with the thick pelt lent to her by both the cold season and her parents wintry heritage. Bushy tail would wrap around her small frame, covering up her black nose, a blot of ink marring her ivory masked face. Soon the shivering began to subside, and her blood warmed up. What would fate throw at her now that she had overcome the last trial?