
northern attitude

event large prey hunt



Master Fighter (310)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

10 Years
Extra large

Double MasterValentines 2020Treat 2019Promptober 2019
Yesterday, 06:17 PM

Unable to make much headway and wary of the sounds of something down below the ground at the Shimmering Shore, Éldi opted to return to Vedia to focus on the hunting stores and items of trade. After a good meal and brief resupply he headed north on a long hunting mission, seeking to get a few hides unique to the Boreas region. However, during his expedition rumors met his ears of prey animals that did not burrow frantically digging, much like the wolves had been doing at the Shimmering Shore. It made his fur stand on end. Was there something going on in the far north? Further more it seemed a number of the animals had odd lesions. Was there something in the earth affecting them?

As he moved through the region that held the great human cave he heard the bellowing of a musk ox. It seemed to be in distress and as Éldi slunk through the tundra he saw the large creature bashing its horns into the ice, pausing every so often to stop and and chip with its hooves before frantically going at the ground with its horns once more. As he neared he could see patches of its fur missing and the sight of bloody sores. In addition he spied three other wolves watching the distressed beast. As he approached he heard the pale woman speak and gently cleared his throat to alert them to his presence. He nodded. "Yes, they are herd animals. That one should be off on its own like this speaks of illness. We should release it from its misery and perhaps in doing so gain some insight into what is happening in the north."