
ignorance is not so blissful...

the erosion - hunt large prey animal



Master Hunter (250)

Master Navigator (245)

2 Years
Dire wolf
9 hours ago
First is the wolfdog who at least tries to be somewhat quiet upon approach. His gaze flicks to Tsuki for a moment, contemplating on answering before the moose’s rack forces the ice to groan loudly along the ground. It was an odd place to rut or search, and it wasn’t the only animal acting like this. Next was the pup, so clearly a pup by the hesitant movements, that Wilder almost turned her away. A moose acting so out of character surely was dangerous for a youngster like this one.

With the two wolves at his side, Wilder wonders if it’s even worth it. Perhaps he should just keep them back and observe for now. That would be safer, no? His mouth opens to answer their questions when Tethys speaks up. Wilder’s fur poofs slightly in surprise. He had been so distracted by the odd behavior of the moose that he had forgotten she’d come with. At least they would have two of dire size to try and takedown the large mammal.

“Suitable is objective,” Wilder replies in that rough, western accent, his red gaze moving over the three females once more as his mind puts a plan together. “We shoul’ corner it. I’ll take one side, Tethys you take the other, an’ you two work together for its front where it’ll be safer. If we can keep it trapped against that boat, Tethys or I can go for a clean kill,” he nods toward Tethys, a tentative smile thrown her way as he waits for the group to agree to the plan.

Once they’re in place, Wilder takes one more moment to look at the group. “Avoid the antlers. You can survive a kick or stomp from a hoof but that antler’ll gore ya an’ ya’ll bleed out,” his tone is stern, words, though accented, as serious as he’ll ever sound. Inhaling a deep breath, he steels his nerves and sets off toward the bull moose who is still too preoccupied with its unusual behavior to take notice.

Nearing the large bull, Wilder doesn’t allow his vermilion gaze to move from it. One second of hesitation and they could wind up dead. Shoving those thoughts toward the back of his mind, Wilder nears the moose with bared teeth and a piercing bark to try and disorient it even more.