
Smells Like Teen Spirit! [Raid]



The Syndicate

Master Hunter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

2 Years
9 hours ago
Well, it didn’t take much for her to see this was a moment of opportunity. The sounds of conflict around her were a symphony to her ears, each snarl and howl a note in her orchestrated dance of power. Rakia swiftly dissected the situation, the riotous blend of scents and sounds painting a vivid picture in her mind. Her icy gaze was drawn to big red brute- he had ears too big for his head, and a face that hadn’t quite shed the fullness of his pup years- caught somewhere between a boy and a man. Oh, how she savored this moment. The raw energy of the battlefield was intoxicating - a heady mix of adrenaline and fear, of power and desperation. Even as the chaos unfolded around her, Rakia felt oddly detached, a predator studying her prey before striking.

But of course, this moment of stillness couldn’t last forever. And she would quickly break the lull by lunging forward, her body a blur as she darted towards Redrum. Each leap was calculated, her paws striking the ground rhythmically in a dance of death. Her tail streamed behind her like a banner, cutting through the air with each powerful stride. The distance between them rapidly closed, her focus unwavering, eyes locked onto her target.

As she neared Redrum, her muscles coiled, ready to spring. She watched with a predator's keen eye- her teeth bared in a harsh, triumphant grin, Rakia launched herself at him in a lethal whirl of claws and fangs She aimed for the tender flesh between neck and shoulder, her fangs glinting dangerously as she fought for purchase in his skin.

RAKIA vs REDRUM for MAIM | - Shoulder Scarring
Round: 1/1
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Medium
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Obsidian dagger
Defensive Battle Accessory: Lightweight Cloak
Companion 1: Female Raven - flying
Companion 2: Female Caracal - Battle
Skills: Master Hunter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Bard

"Rakia Perreau"