


12-26-2013, 01:57 PM

Disdain was plain on the face of the sultry shadow, the sunshine that reflected from every surface in these forsaken falls could harbour no darkness the bitch could wrap herself in. Why the fuck was she here? An answer to that mental inquiry escaped her, so she left it be. Lapping up the crystalline aqua at the lowest pool of the falls, the obsidian whore was overcome with boredom. A butterfly fluttered over to her, and she batted it from the air, crushing it under her tea cupped paw. Too much colour on one being to be any good. Lifting a lip in disgust, she rubbed the carcass from her paw on the grass and sighed in annoyance. Why was this place so hot? It was fricking winter for god's sake, there should be snow and ice consuming this awful sunshiney hellhole. Flowers poked up through the grass everywhere, and the ebony bitch set about crushing them. Tea cupped paws stomped on the blossoms and she revelled in the sensation of crushing their fragile forms and ending their existence. Long ebony tail would sweep behind her a few times in pleasure, the necklace she recently acquired bumping her dark chest. She had killed a particularly annoying hummingbird that had tried to seek refuge in the caverns she called home with her eternal grinner Ryu. Its skull was held around her throat with string though it's eye sockets, displaying the consequences of pissing her off. Despite her petite stature, she was deadly.
