
Lets Explore! Wait what the hell?

Caribou - Hunt Thread


Judilian Band

Intermediate Navigator (40)

Advanced Hunter (70)

1 Year
10-25-2024, 07:43 AM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2024, 11:05 AM by Fairytale. Edited 2 times in total.)

Fairytale had heard rumors once more, that spread like wild fire threw all of Boreas and Auster. Animals acting strange and completely not themselves. Fairytale had traveled threw the different territorys skirting around some that alphas and their pack ruled over. She wasn't completely sure if she should be traveling and not knowing if another was following her. The landscape changed completely, it was colder and the winds were completely bitter as it whipped around aggressively. She tried to sheild herself from the colder weather, ice crunching under her small frame.

The little female spotted a sight she had never witnessed before. She moved closer to it, sniffing and a light growl slipping from the girls throat, she wanted to find a way up onto the ledges to get a better look at the frozen land. It would offer her shelter however as she climbed inside of the ship. The scents stung her nose, small mammals taking hide from the weather also within the walls.

She climbed up, finding her way to the main and once more she was outside. The wind once again lashing out about her small frame. Her ears twisting back as sounds of something bashing it's skull against the ship.

Fairytale was taken by surprise as a caribou bashing it's skull up against the ship, some of it's antlers broken laying upon the ground below it, the one antler completely broken off. As the beast dug into the ground, what was it doing? As it appeared to Fairytale it was actually trying to find a way within the damn ship as it continued time and time again bashing its entire body weight now into the ship.

Fairytale watched this event unfold, never witnessing such an act before. The remaining antler was large and held may points to it. Spotting lesions all over its front legs and face as it turned to dig its head within the frozen ground. Something was definitly wrong with this situation. The hunter within her would be patient for the caribou hasn't taken notice to her as of yet.

Its loud antsy bellows crying out over the frozen land, with no one around. Normally Fairytale known that they traveled in large herds and never far from one another. But this bull? He was alone. So yes, something had to be wrong. It bellowed out once more - trying to get the attention to the herd that was no were in sight.

Fairy allowed her eyes to close, sniffing at the wind trying to catch scent of others - with luck there was none. The way the bull had dragged its side of the missing antler was gone, fur marking were he dragged his mass around the side. What the hell was he doing?

She was weary, but stayed out of sight, because lets face it the bull wasn't interested within her but something else. Something driving it mad - scent of blood bringing her attention back to the large bull that appeared to be about seven hundred pounds of meat and a thick coat. But those antlers! Those would be a risk.

4 of 4 Wolves - Fairytale, Atreyu, Bellatrix, Alexander
1 of 3 round hunt of Bull Caribou
