
Lets Explore! Wait what the hell?

Caribou - Hunt Thread


Judilian Band

Intermediate Navigator (40)

Advanced Hunter (70)

1 Year
10-25-2024, 11:35 AM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2024, 11:35 AM by Fairytale. Edited 1 time in total.)

She was alone only for a few moments as eyes train on that of a dark male with ivory and slate colors, but she was trained onto what the bull was doing. To say that Fairytale was not frightened would be a little white lie. Something the yearling never did, she was fucking down right terrified. The snow and ice gathering around the ship they stood upon. Soon the sight of two others came into view. She gulped seeing that of Atreyu and Bellatrix. Listening to them gather their thoughts and actions. Seeing the masculine's emerald pools shine with worry only made Fairytales heart break. She had to help after they took care of this though.

Her tail hung low as the bull continued to act strange. So fucking strange - which in turn would only cause the small females fur along her hackles to rise up. "You all are indeed correct, from what I've been witnessing. It's like its sick with madness. Something it ate maybe or something to do with the events of what is going on down in Auster and here within Boreas. I think we need to find and place ourselves were there is no sustained injures. It's a risk, a high risk that if we get some of this within our mouths and we can't get to water fast enough that we may become sick. We all need to be careful with something like this." She didn't want to see her alpha or friend grow sick from what ever disease this bull had. "You's are the only ones I've seen, I'm sorry. Maybe we can go look for her after this?"

Everything made Fairytale's blood run cold. From the wind that howled around them, causing eerie sounds flow out threw the ship that they all stood upon. "Maybe.... Maybe we could look for sharp objects to help us hunt this also? I mean after all, there are areas in this ship that need to be explored, maybe we can split up and look for something, anything to help us take this creature down so we don't have to put ourselves in complete danger." Fixing her glasses she glanced to the three of them, she didn't honestly like the taste within her mouth already. What if they weren't able to make it to water in time and went after those they cared about or possibly each other? It was a possibility, but one that Fairy could not think about right now. Not ever!

The bull continued before rising up on its hind quarters before coming back down, lashing out at the ship that was in it's way of destruction. It was a hard hit, one that Fairytale felt the vibration from. Her paw slipped causing her to loose traction. Now she was within the view of the bull, it noticed her. Backing up, and crashing it's feet within the snow and ice. Fairytale snarled her lips curling up. There goes that idea of finding something to help. That idea went down the drain for her but not the others. Maybe she could do laps? Maybe she could wear it out. Lowering her skull below her shoulder height as her throat began to vibrate.

The yearling had to be strong, to protect those she called friends though. Something she would die doing - although it probably wouldn't come to that. She watched as the bull came at her then and there, its skull lowered so it's antlers were aimed at Fairytale. Thing about caribou was they were use to weather and environments like this. Ears laced back. "Find something, anything!" The girl yelled to the others as she moved to get out of the way, the bull appeared to loose interest in a way and begin digging within the ice and snow. Blood dripping from its face before once more locking its chocolate eyes with Fairytales own. Not realizing that there was three others upon the ship.

She had to do something! Anything in that matter.

4 of 4 Wolves - Fairytale, Atreyu, Bellatrix, Alexander
2 of 3 round hunt of Bull Caribou
