
Beneath the Willows [Healing Expansion]



Master Intellectual (257)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years
Dragon Mod
10-25-2024, 01:00 PM

Her ears flicked in acknowledgement when Lukina spoke, and she nodded. Honestly, she was just glad to have some goddamn help around here! Having been the only healer for the longest was a lot of work, but surprisingly, the wolves of the pack had managed to stay mostly intact without her help most of the time. Crimson gaze found Erebos as he came to aid them, nodding to herself. Good, she wouldn't have to tutor him on the uses of these herbs. Sounded like he knew his stuff! But then...Grim showed up. She audibly sighed with annoyance. She just couldn't get away from that shadowy little creep now, could she? While he was her brother and all, sometimes Ripper and Grim could be a little...much. Even for her. So when he said he found a mushroom and grabbed it before anyone could say anything, she took a look at it and waved her paw. "You're lucky that one isn't poisonous, but edible. It's a white button mushroom, or portabella. Useful as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and helps to try and prevent cancer."

She picked it up and put it in her satchel before moving toward the willow tree where Grim had found the mushrooms. She grabbed a few more, leaving the rest to grow for now. Turning her attention to the willow tree, she began to carve some of the bark and carefully peeled off some strips, placing them next to her in a neat little pile. "Simple medicine, willowbark. But useful and effective." She always made sure she had a nice stock of this. "Grim, why don't you get me some dandelion...or marshmallow. One is a yellow flower, the other is pink." Of course, he should know what both of those were, no? But then again...
