
A Chance Arrangement


12-25-2013, 12:38 AM

?Home is behind, the world ahead,
and there are many paths to tread

through shadows to the edge of night,
until the stars are all alight.?

Kili wasn't entirely sure where he was or how he had gotten there. His brother, Fili was... well, he wasn't where Kili was, and that was about all the young dusky male knew. The lads had separated a while back, and Kili had come upon the frozen lake, and upon spying the island in the distance, there was no choice but to investigate. Likely a good thing Fili's not here, he thought with a chuckle as he nosed around a particularly interesting boulder. I'd never hear the end of the dangers of thin ice. Spring was on the horizon, he could feel it in his bones. Kili grinned and moved deeper into the island's depths.

A pine forest rose up from the islands innards, which itself was hardly more than a few body lengths long in any direction. It's a nice place, if a bit desolate. Get a few rabbits bouncin' around and I could probably stay a while. Of course once the season changed and the ice melted he'd be in quite a bit of trouble. He was a small wolf, not that he cared to admit it, and swimming was not always easy for him. One adventure at a time! he thought with a chuckle, laying down in the shade of a large pine, meaning to enjoy his day until his brother or some other soul choose to chance upon him.

"Talk." Think. "You."