
Carry Me, Carry Me, Carry Me Now



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-12-2013, 04:19 PM
The restlessness. The fever. She knew what it was, now, having been told by Nova and Cairo, but she still could hardly believe it was true. After so long, how could she be in heat? The time hadn?t been completely ripe at the time of the hunting for her to be fully ready, fully ripe, so she was without release from this damned turmoil. Sleep came fitfully, dreams and nightmares walked often, but always waking her, either in tears, fear, anguish, or a mixture of all three.

Had her mother gone through this as well? Yes, but not like this. Her mother had described heat cycles as she herself had experienced them. She could never have prepared her daughter for what would overtake her body.

The call came on the wing, and she shot to her paws, the restlessness driving her toward the summons at a dead gallop. She came into the meeting in time to catch the gist of what was needed. ?You have let me keep my rank as the Lead Healer, Collision. I wish to keep it still.? Her voice was husky, tired and heat laden. Her words spoken, she stepped to the back and sat, watching the rest of the pack filter in. Nova. Where was Nova? She looked around wildly, fur prickling. Was he serious, when he?d said those words? He liked her? Was it just because of her heat scent? Or? Stop dreaming.