
fishes in surprising places

Pro Angler #2 (Lake trout)


Young Fatalis

Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Hunter (50)

3 Years
10-27-2024, 05:42 PM (This post was last modified: 10-28-2024, 12:35 PM by Tethys. Edited 1 time in total.)

His reaction to her approach was practically mirrored all at once, her stiff posture shifting into something a little more defensive. Her hackles raised instinctively, and she felt her lips twitching into a slight sneer, but the words he spoke - although they were slightly cold -didn't seem nearly as aggressive. Her orange gaze scrutinized him, trying to figure out the kind of wolf he was. Unlike him, she didn't seem nearly as worried about coming across too strong, staring nearly unblinkingly for a long moment.

Tethys gave a quit hum of response to his statement. She was prepared to leave him to his own devices, but she paused as she watched him snap at the water and emerge without anything to show for his efforts. "Fishing," she repeated, fighting back the faintest of smiles, unable to help her amusement from coming through slightly.

"I do," she answered simply. Tethys was proud of where she came from, where she'd been born and raised, and she had no trouble identifying herself as a northerner. "I'm from the north. Not much of a fisher myself though. Water's too cold here to bother most of the year," Tethys explained. In the winter, fishing from these frigid waters could prove a risky task.

Slowly she moved toward the water's edge, keeping a respectfully safe distance from the other wolf as she did. Leaning down to study the water's surface, she paused for a moment before speaking again. "Shouldn't be too hard to find something. Might just have to be patient." Squinting at the water's surface, and trying to keep an eye on Kat out of the corner of her eye, she jolted her head back when she saw the grey-green scales of a fish just a few feet below the surface. Following it with her eyes, and then with her body, turning slightly to follow its slow path in the water. "See? The fish here tend to be pretty big, so they can put up a weirdly good fight," she gestured at the still surface of the river and the fish that moved in the depths below.