

Aria I


03-12-2013, 04:35 PM
Asking for beta or any rank was indeed foolish of the female ad she knew others would think she was an idiot but Aria did not care. She knew what she wanted and she would go for it, even f it was too much at first. She stood with her head held high, out of respect her tail would have been held low but because of its absence she couldn't really do that. So she stood there waiting for the alphess, Jupiter from what she caught, to give any information to her for the beginning pack.

Upon the arrival of a male she glanced over with green eyes, a smirk forming at his snort towards her request for a high rank. Oh well, she didn't care. The only thing she paid attention to was the female who had fought for what she was now doing. The only thing she caught from this male, Marvel, was letting her know he was a decent healer. It was good somebody mentioned that, a healer was important for any pack. And then the other female spoke who first asked for beta, then going on to ask to hunt with her then going after a rabbit and bringing it back. Aria rolled her eyes, blowing air through her nose.

Finally the alphess spoke, directed towards her. She asked if Aria was a good hunter and fighter, the she-wolf giving a nod of her head. In moments she was given a rank, Lunav, also know as a hunter for now until she is tested for her abilities as a warrior. She was fine with that, Aria would work her way up and prove herself to Jupiter. With a nod of her head the female dipped her head to Jupiter and stepped back while she addressed the other wolves. "Thank you Jupiter, I shall hold my rank with pride." She thanked the female for giving her a chance in this newly developing pack.

And now the pack, Ludicael. It was an interesting name, one that Aria liked as it was unique.

ooc: Sorry for crappiness, wanted to quick squeeze in before Star posted..