Firefly Man Take Me Now
10-28-2024, 02:51 PM
Gil reacted in a manner that Sid wasn't expecting. He backed off rather than continue his attack. The fear that poured off of him was the only thing holding her back from changing; from giving in to the darkness that plagued her. Gilgamesh was battling his own darkness and so Siduri worked to keep her mind locked in place. If they lost themselves... it wouldn't be the firefly man that they'd have to worry about. Don't be afraid, Siduri spoke softly to her father. We're together and we'll have each others backs. She wasn't a child anymore. She was a woman grown and she could handle herself. She could handle him too, if he needed it. Rather than continue digging next to the stone tower, Siduri moved out into the softer dirt where she wasn't at risk of touching anything... foreign. Pale paws scraped away the earth. Coming upon a rock, she was forced to use both her paws and her mouth to extract it. In doing so, she ate a bit of dirt. Gross... |