
Meet your Kingdom

Daedalus I


12-26-2013, 12:06 PM
The dreams Daedalus had were pleasant and comforting, much like his mother was. Since being born, Daedalus couldn't stop being adventurous and nearly getting into trouble all the time, but none the less he still enjoyed every moment of his life. Now, at the age he was, Daedalus could speak and his eyes were a complete violet color instead of the blue hue he had when he was born. Slowly, Daedalus began to stir in his sleep until finally the removal of the warmth of his mother was enough to wake him, so he let out a yawn. Shaking his tiny head as if shaking the sleep from his brain Daedalus looked around at his siblings also waking up. It was funny how they were still asleep and he wasn't. So in turn, he got up and pounced on one of his siblings that was still bundled up (he wasn't sure which one, or cared) and laughed.

"Come loves, it's time to see the outside world."

A voice he recognized was heard in his head and Daedalus looked around and saw his mother getting up and walking out to the entrance of the den. "Cummin' muhver." Daedalus couldn't totally speak yet, but as he practiced more, Daedalus knew he would be able to speak like the adults. Perhaps it was because he paid more attention to exploring than his mothers lessons. As he galloped to the entrance of the den on his tiny legs, the smell of the cold from outside hit his nose and face and it only made his adventurous hunger grow more. However before he got outside, Daedalus slid to a stop. White stuff blinded his eyesight some and Daedalus had to hide his violet eyes. The problem with wolves who had light colored eyes meant they took in more light than normal, as darker colored eyes were able to see darker shades better and took in less light. Plus he was a pup.. his eyes weren't adjusted to the outside light yet.

Once his eyes adjusted, Daedalus slowly began to look around and didn't realize his jaw was hanging open. There were so many things he didn't recognize! White stuff covered all of it and it made it more confusing. Nizhoni also walked out and looked at the white stuff before saying "Snow!" and Daedalus had to look at it again. "S..Snows?" Daedalus asked as he placed a paw into the white powder and listened to it crunch. At the sound, Daedalus took a paw back quickly at the feeling of the cold, but a moment later he put it back in and then his other front paw followed. The cold was surprising and pleasant at the same time. Walking and wobbling in it, with parts of the snow going deeper than others, Daedalus moved forward and tried to go into a run. Daedalus giggled loudly as he ran towards an embankment and tried to climb up it, only to be swallowed by the snow a moment later, with nothing left but a pup sized hole and some paw prints leading up to it.