
Keep In Touch


12-26-2013, 12:57 PM

She listened intently to the youngster, her adventures quite intriguing to listen to. Chrysanthe was part of her family? Good thing the ivory lass had rescued the poor pup when she did, losing this one could send them spiralling downward for sure. When the girl inquired as to her ventures while she had disappeared, a broad grin played at the snowy woman's features. "I did not have as many adventures as you, my dear, but my life was definitely not boring." She chuckled, beating her long tail upon the snowy terra a few times to express her joy. "I married my mate, Magnus." She said with a grin, fond memories surfacing of the ceremony and the time spent with her beloved afterwards. "As well, my friend Song has taken leadership of Ludicael in Jupiter's sorrowful absence." She added, her moonstone orbs taking on a sad look within their consuming depths. She had often been feared by others, particularly youngsters, because of her eyes, the silver seemed to swirl around the pupil and sometimes looked like it was moving, like it would swallow their soul if they met her gaze. Meeting the child's mismatched gaze, she kept the soft smile on her dark lips while she waited for Odette's response.