
Fading in the dark [Newts kids/Taurig]


12-26-2013, 04:17 PM
Newt Saxe

She had heard the news. Found nothing in her home. Her children were missing and she was unsure if they had followed him. She had taken so much time getting to the island they had secluded themselves on. The swim had been exhausting and on the way to finding the pack she had found Ozz dead. Her death had only further enraged her as she made her way towards the ?kingdom?. All she wanted was to get answers and find her children and leave. Her tail flicked behind her aggressively as she followed the lingering aromas of wolves. She had let her pack down upon her defeat with medusa but she had fought! She had given everything to protect them and although she had failed she had still tried. What had he done? He had just rolled over and allowed this King, Isardis, to take everything away without so much as blinking.

She found herself on the edge of insanity. The rage was eating her alive. Where was her mate? Where were her children? She hoped that Zara was still all right. She needed her now more then ever. She lifted her head to the heavens and released a long howl. It was a demand for Taurig to face her and for her children to come if they were here. She wanted to make sure her family was all right and deliver the news of Ozz?s death.

ooc: sorry its so short, I just wanted to start it.